Klar, wolkenlos
Klar, wolkenlos
Klar, wolkenlos
Klar, wolkenlos
Klar, wolkenlos
Klar, wolkenlos
Klar, wolkenlos
Klar, wolkenlos
Klar, wolkenlos


/ 22.4°
UV 3
Abnehmender Halbmond (302°)

METAR für 54.27°N 48.22°O (UWLL)

Zeit Bedingungen Temperatur/
Wind Sichtweite Wetter Wolken Druck Änderung Roh
VFR 11°C / 2°C 200º 4kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1029 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 270500Z 20002MPS CAVOK 11/02 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE762/1016
VFR 9°C / 0°C 200º 6kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1029 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 270430Z 20003MPS CAVOK 09/00 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE762/1016
VFR 7°C / 0°C 190º 10kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1029 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 270400Z 19005MPS CAVOK 07/00 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 4°C / -1°C variable 0kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1029 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 270330Z 00000MPS CAVOK 04/M01 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE762/1016
VFR 3°C / -2°C 180º 6kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1029 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 270300Z 18003MPS CAVOK 03/M02 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 3°C / -2°C 190º 6kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1029 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 270230Z 19003MPS CAVOK 03/M02 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 4°C / -2°C 200º 8kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1029 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 270200Z 20004MPS CAVOK 04/M02 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 5°C / -1°C 200º 6kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1029 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 270130Z 20003MPS CAVOK 05/M01 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 5°C / 0°C 210º 6kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1029 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 270100Z 21003MPS CAVOK 05/M00 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 5°C / 0°C 180º 6kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1029 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 270030Z 18003MPS CAVOK 05/M00 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 5°C / -2°C variable 0kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1029 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 270000Z 00000MPS CAVOK 05/M02 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 6°C / -5°C variable 0kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 262330Z 00000MPS CAVOK 06/M05 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 6°C / -5°C variable 0kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 262300Z 00000MPS CAVOK 06/M05 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 6°C / -5°C variable 0kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 262230Z 00000MPS CAVOK 06/M05 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 7°C / -4°C 160º 6kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 262200Z 16003MPS CAVOK 07/M04 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 8°C / -4°C 180º 10kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 262130Z 18005MPS CAVOK 08/M04 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 9°C / -4°C 190º 12kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 262100Z 19006MPS CAVOK 09/M04 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 9°C / -3°C 190º 10kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 262030Z 19005MPS CAVOK 09/M03 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 10°C / -3°C 190º 12kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 262000Z 19006MPS CAVOK 10/M03 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 9°C / -3°C 190º 12kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 261930Z 19006MPS CAVOK 09/M03 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 9°C / -4°C 200º 12kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 261900Z 20006MPS CAVOK 09/M04 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 10°C / -3°C 190º 10kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 261830Z 19005MPS CAVOK 10/M03 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 11°C / -3°C 190º 10kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 261800Z 19005MPS CAVOK 11/M03 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015
VFR 11°C / 0°C 190º 10kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1028 No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65. UWLL 261730Z 19005MPS CAVOK 11/M00 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


11°C / 2°C

Wind 200º 4kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1029
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 270500Z 20002MPS CAVOK 11/02 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE762/1016


9°C / 0°C

Wind 200º 6kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1029
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 270430Z 20003MPS CAVOK 09/00 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE762/1016


7°C / 0°C

Wind 190º 10kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1029
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 270400Z 19005MPS CAVOK 07/00 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


4°C / -1°C

Wind variable 0kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1029
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 270330Z 00000MPS CAVOK 04/M01 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE762/1016


3°C / -2°C

Wind 180º 6kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1029
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 270300Z 18003MPS CAVOK 03/M02 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


3°C / -2°C

Wind 190º 6kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1029
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 270230Z 19003MPS CAVOK 03/M02 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


4°C / -2°C

Wind 200º 8kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1029
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 270200Z 20004MPS CAVOK 04/M02 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


5°C / -1°C

Wind 200º 6kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1029
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 270130Z 20003MPS CAVOK 05/M01 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


5°C / 0°C

Wind 210º 6kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1029
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 270100Z 21003MPS CAVOK 05/M00 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


5°C / 0°C

Wind 180º 6kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1029
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 270030Z 18003MPS CAVOK 05/M00 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


5°C / -2°C

Wind variable 0kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1029
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 270000Z 00000MPS CAVOK 05/M02 Q1029 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


6°C / -5°C

Wind variable 0kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 262330Z 00000MPS CAVOK 06/M05 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


6°C / -5°C

Wind variable 0kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 262300Z 00000MPS CAVOK 06/M05 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


6°C / -5°C

Wind variable 0kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 262230Z 00000MPS CAVOK 06/M05 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


7°C / -4°C

Wind 160º 6kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 262200Z 16003MPS CAVOK 07/M04 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


8°C / -4°C

Wind 180º 10kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 262130Z 18005MPS CAVOK 08/M04 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


9°C / -4°C

Wind 190º 12kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 262100Z 19006MPS CAVOK 09/M04 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


9°C / -3°C

Wind 190º 10kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 262030Z 19005MPS CAVOK 09/M03 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


10°C / -3°C

Wind 190º 12kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 262000Z 19006MPS CAVOK 10/M03 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


9°C / -3°C

Wind 190º 12kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 261930Z 19006MPS CAVOK 09/M03 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


9°C / -4°C

Wind 200º 12kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 261900Z 20006MPS CAVOK 09/M04 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


10°C / -3°C

Wind 190º 10kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 261830Z 19005MPS CAVOK 10/M03 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


11°C / -3°C

Wind 190º 10kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 261800Z 19005MPS CAVOK 11/M03 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015


11°C / 0°C

Wind 190º 10kt
Sichtweite 9700m
Wetter -
Wolken Clouds and Visibility OK
Druck 1028
Änderung No Significant change. Runway 20: Clear and dry, 51-100% contamination with <1mm, friction coefficient 0.65.
Roh UWLL 261730Z 19005MPS CAVOK 11/M00 Q1028 R20/090065 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015

TAF für 54.27°N 48.22°O (UWLL)

From till

Maximum Temperature 19ºC on . Minimum Temperature 7ºC on .
From till Wind 190º 6kt. Gust 17kt. Visibility 9700m. Scattered Clouds 2000ft.
Temporarly from till Wind 170º 14kt. Gust 27kt.

Roh: TAF UWLL 270152Z 2703/2803 19003G09MPS 9999 SCT020 TX19/2712Z TN07/2801Z TEMPO 2709/2715 17007G14MPS

Aktueller Regenradar, 54.27°N 48.22°O

Sehr schwer

Die Ortsmarkierung zeigt auf 54.27°N 48.22°O. Diese Animation zeigt das Niederschlagsradar für den ausgewählten Zeitraum sowie eine 2h-Vorhersage. Orange Kreuze zeigen Blitze an. Daten bereitgestellt von nowcast.de (verfügbar in den USA, Europa, Australien). Nieselregen oder leichter Schneefall können für den Radar unsichtbar sein. Die Niederschlagsintensität ist farbcodiert und reicht von hellblau bis rot.

Aktuelles Satellitenbild

Die Standortmarkierung ist platziert auf 54.27°N 48.22°O. [Mehr]

Das Echtzeit-Satellitenbild kombiniert sichtbares Licht während des Tages mit Infrarotstrahlung während der Nacht. Nachts ist das Bild nicht dunkel, da Infrarotstrahlung Temperaturunterschiede erkennen kann. Leider sind niedrige Wolken und Nebel nur schwer von den Bodentemperaturen zu unterscheiden und können daher nachts fast unsichtbar sein. Meteosat-Satellitenbilder für Europa werden alle 5 Minuten in Echtzeit aktualisiert. Die Bilder GOES-16 / GOES-17 (Nord- und Südamerika) und Himawari (Asien) werden alle 10 Minuten aktualisiert.

Niederschläge werden von Radar und Satelliten berechnet. Nachts sind die Niederschlagsberechnungen durch die Satelliten weniger genau als tagsüber.

© 2024 meteoblue, NOAA Satellites GOES-16 and EUMETSAT. Blitzdaten zur Verfügung gestellt von nowcast.

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