Rain for Srem - yellow
From Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Until Saturday 01:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Heavy Rain/showers - at least 10 mm (l/m²) within a 3-hour period


Difficulties in urban areas (especially problem in capacity of rain sewerage system, sewer collectors), problems in transport, disabling the planned agricultural works. Possible violations of the people and damage of properties.

Kiša za Srem - yellow
From Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Until Saturday 01:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Pljusak kiše ili jaka kiša sa količinom padavina ≥ 10 l/m² u periodu do 3h


Poteškoće u urbanim sredinama (posebno problemi sa kišnom kanalizacijom i kišnim kolektorima), problemi u saobraćaju i transportu, odlaganje već planiranih poljoprivrednih aktivnosti. Moguća je šteta na pokretnoj i nepokretnoj imovini i povređivanje ljudi i životinja.

Last update:
Thunderstorm for Srem - yellow
From Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Until Saturday 01:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Local thunderstorms


The risk of thunder stroke, endangered lives of people and animals, operation problems for all electrical devices, the risk of fire initiation, telecommunication problems. Possible problems in the transport of electricity. Possible occurrence of local intensive showers, torrents and strong gust. These phenomena could cause damage to the property and be dangerous to the security of people and animals.

Grmljavina za Srem - yellow
From Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Until Saturday 01:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Lokalna pojava grmljavina sa ili bez padavina


Rizik od udara groma, opasnost za život ljudi i životinja, problemi u radu svih uređaja koji koriste električnu energiju, rizik od iniciranja pojave vatre, problemi u telekomunikacijama. Mogući problemi u transportu električne energije zbog udara groma. Moguća je lokalna pojava intezivnih pljuskova, bujica i jakih udara vetra sa štetama na pokretnoj i nepokretnoj imovini.

Last update:
Wind for Backa - orange
From Today 01:00 (14 hours ago)
Until Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Wind gusts ≥ 24 m/s (≥85km/h)


Damage of properties (especially buildings and roofs, chimney, tents, canopies...), problems in transportation (possible turnover of cars, trucks...), forest damage, damage of trees in parks and individual trees (some branches break off trees, small trees can be broken, trees are broken off or uprooted), problems in civil engineering construction works, risk of serious injury - threat to human life and animals, makes already existing dangerous security situations more complicated (forest and other fires, environmental disasters, disturbance of rescue actions).

Vetar za Backa - orange
From Today 01:00 (14 hours ago)
Until Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Official warning explanations:

Udari vetra ≥ 24 m/s (≥85km/h)


Štete na pokretnoj i nepokretnoj imovini ( naročito na zgradama i krovovima, odžacima, šatorima, tendama, plastenicima...), problemi u transportu i saobraćaju (mogućnost prevrtanja automobila i kamiona...), štete na šumama, drveću u parkovima i individualnom drveću (lomljenje grana i slabijih stabala), problemi u građevinarstvu, opasnost od ozbiljnog povređivanja - do ugroženosti života ljudi i životinja, otežava već tešku situaciju ( šumski i drugi požari, ekološka katastrofa, ometanje akcija spašavanja).

Last update:
Wind for Srem - yellow
From Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Until Saturday 01:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Wind gusts ≥ 17 m/s (≥60km/h)


Possible damage of properties, problems in transportation (cars veer on road), forest damage, damage of trees in parks and individual trees (some twigs broken from trees, some branches break off trees), problems in civil engineering construction works - especially works with cranes, indirect impact on the safety of people and animals, makes already existing dangerous security situations more complicated (forest and other fires, environmental disasters, disturbance of rescue actions). Impacts apply to facilities built of hard materials, facilities that are well maintained on healthy trees and the like.

Vetar za Srem - yellow
From Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Until Saturday 01:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Udari vetra ≥ 17 m/s (≥60km/h)


Moguće štete na pokretnoj i nepokretnoj imovini, problemi u transportu i saobraćaju (zanošenje automobila na putevima), štete na šumama, drveću u parkovima i individualnom drveću ( lomljenje manjih i tanjih grana), problemi u građevinarstvu - naročitu u radu sa kranovima, indirektna opasnost od povređivanja ljudi i životinja, otežava već tešku situaciju ( šumski i drugi požari, ekološka katastrofa, ometanje akcija spašavanja). Uticaji se odnose na dobro i redovno održavane objekte tvrde građe, zdravo drveće i slično.

Last update:
Wind for Backa - yellow
From Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Until Saturday 01:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Wind gusts ≥ 17 m/s (≥60km/h)


Possible damage of properties, problems in transportation (cars veer on road), forest damage, damage of trees in parks and individual trees (some twigs broken from trees, some branches break off trees), problems in civil engineering construction works - especially works with cranes, indirect impact on the safety of people and animals, makes already existing dangerous security situations more complicated (forest and other fires, environmental disasters, disturbance of rescue actions). Impacts apply to facilities built of hard materials, facilities that are well maintained on healthy trees and the like.

Vetar za Backa - yellow
From Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Until Saturday 01:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Udari vetra ≥ 17 m/s (≥60km/h)


Moguće štete na pokretnoj i nepokretnoj imovini, problemi u transportu i saobraćaju (zanošenje automobila na putevima), štete na šumama, drveću u parkovima i individualnom drveću ( lomljenje manjih i tanjih grana), problemi u građevinarstvu - naročitu u radu sa kranovima, indirektna opasnost od povređivanja ljudi i životinja, otežava već tešku situaciju ( šumski i drugi požari, ekološka katastrofa, ometanje akcija spašavanja). Uticaji se odnose na dobro i redovno održavane objekte tvrde građe, zdravo drveće i slično.

Last update:
Thunderstorm for Backa - yellow
From Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Until Saturday 01:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Local thunderstorms


The risk of thunder stroke, endangered lives of people and animals, operation problems for all electrical devices, the risk of fire initiation, telecommunication problems. Possible problems in the transport of electricity. Possible occurrence of local intensive showers, torrents and strong gust. These phenomena could cause damage to the property and be dangerous to the security of people and animals.

Grmljavina za Backa - yellow
From Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Until Saturday 01:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Lokalna pojava grmljavina sa ili bez padavina


Rizik od udara groma, opasnost za život ljudi i životinja, problemi u radu svih uređaja koji koriste električnu energiju, rizik od iniciranja pojave vatre, problemi u telekomunikacijama. Mogući problemi u transportu električne energije zbog udara groma. Moguća je lokalna pojava intezivnih pljuskova, bujica i jakih udara vetra sa štetama na pokretnoj i nepokretnoj imovini.

Last update:
Rain for Backa - yellow
From Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Until Saturday 01:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Heavy Rain/showers - at least 10 mm (l/m²) within a 3-hour period


Difficulties in urban areas (especially problem in capacity of rain sewerage system, sewer collectors), problems in transport, disabling the planned agricultural works. Possible violations of the people and damage of properties.

Kiša za Backa - yellow
From Tomorrow 01:00 (9 hours from now)
Until Saturday 01:00 (1 day from now)
Official warning explanations:

Pljusak kiše ili jaka kiša sa količinom padavina ≥ 10 l/m² u periodu do 3h


Poteškoće u urbanim sredinama (posebno problemi sa kišnom kanalizacijom i kišnim kolektorima), problemi u saobraćaju i transportu, odlaganje već planiranih poljoprivrednih aktivnosti. Moguća je šteta na pokretnoj i nepokretnoj imovini i povređivanje ljudi i životinja.

Last update:

Severe weather warnings are provided to meteoblue by more than 80 official agencies worldwide. meteoblue does not bear any responsibility regarding the actual content or nature of the warnings. Issues can be reported through our Feedback form and will be transmitted to the appropriate instances.

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