Wushan Meteorological Station Releases Yellow Warning Signal of rainstorm
Od Utorok 18:09 (pred 2 dňami)
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Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

At 18:09 on September 24, 2024, the meteorological station of Wushan County issued a yellow warning signal of rainstorm: at present, the accumulated rainfall in Yuanyang Town of our county has exceeded 30mm. It is estimated that in the next six hours, the accumulated rainfall in Yuanyang, Gaolou, Shandan, Mali, Simen, Longtai and other towns of our county will reach more than 50mm, and the maximum hourly rainfall intensity can reach 40mm. Please pay attention to preventing secondary disasters such as mountain torrents, urban and rural waterlogging, landslides and debris flows that may be caused by heavy rainfall.


1. The government and relevant departments shall make emergency preparations against rainstorm according to their responsibilities; 2. The transportation department should take traffic control measures on heavily rainy roads based on road conditions and implement traffic guidance on flooded roads; 3. Check the drainage systems of urban and rural flood prone areas, underground sites, reservoirs, and farmland, and take necessary drainage measures; 4. Schools and kindergartens shall take measures against rainstorm to ensure the safety of students and children; 5. Conduct inspections of areas at risk of flash floods and geological disasters, promptly clear congested waterways, and prepare for the relocation of personnel in hazardous areas; 6. It is suggested that the tourism department should close the scenic spots with high risk of rainstorm disasters, such as mountains and lakes, and organize the evacuation of tourists from dangerous areas; 7. Public transportation should avoid flooded roads and stay away from outdoor power facilities; Drivers should pay attention to driving safety and avoid driving through water.

Od Utorok 18:09 (pred 2 dňami)
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Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:



1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好防暴雨应急准备工作; 2.交通部门应当根据路况在强降雨路段采取交通管制措施,在积水路段实行交通引导; 3.检查城乡易涝点、地下场所、水库、农田排水系统,采取必要的排涝措施; 4.学校、幼儿园做好防暴雨措施,确保学生和幼儿安全; 5.对山洪和地质灾害风险地段进行排查,及时疏通拥堵河道,做好危险地带人员转移准备工作; 6.建议旅游部门关闭山地、湖泊等暴雨灾害风险较大的旅游景区,组织疏散转移危险地带的游客; 7.公众出行应当避开积水路段,远离室外电力设施;驾驶人员注意行车安全、避免涉水行驶。

Posledná aktualizácia:
Zhangxian Meteorological Observatory issues orange hail warning signal
Od Utorok 16:30 (pred 2 dňami)
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Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

At 16:30 on September 24, 2024, the Zhangxian Meteorological Observatory issued an orange hail warning signal: It is expected that hail weather may occur in some areas of towns and villages such as Dacaotan, Jinzhong, Shihuqiao, and Sancha in our county within 6 hours, and may cause hail disasters. Please pay attention to prevention!


1. The government and relevant departments shall carry out emergency measures for hail prevention in accordance with their responsibilities; 2. Shadow agencies should carry out hail prevention operations in a timely manner; 3. Personnel should avoid going out, and outdoor personnel should immediately seek shelter in a safe place; 4. Immediately drive away poultry and livestock into covered areas, properly place and protect vehicles parked outdoors, vulnerable items or equipment.

Od Utorok 16:30 (pred 2 dňami)
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Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:



1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好冰雹防御的应急工作; 2.人影机构及时开展防雹作业; 3.人员避免外出,户外人员立即到安全的地方躲避; 4.立即驱赶家禽、牲畜进入有顶篷的场所,妥善安置和保护露天停放的车辆、室外易损物品或设备。

Posledná aktualizácia:
Zhangxian Meteorological Observatory issues yellow lightning warning signal
Od Pondelok 15:20 (pred 3 dňami)
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Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

The Zhangxian Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow lightning warning signal at 15:20 on September 23, 2024: It is expected that within 6 hours, some areas of towns and villages in our county, such as Jinzhong, Yanjing, Shihuqiao, Dacaotan, Sizhu, Shichuan, Wuyang, Guiqingshan, Dongquan Township, and Maquan, may experience lightning activity, which may cause lightning disasters and accidents. Please pay attention to prevention!


1. The government and relevant departments shall carry out lightning defense work in accordance with their responsibilities; 2. Pay attention to weather changes, try to minimize outdoor activities, and avoid shelter from rain under trees, poles, and tower cranes; 3. Stop high-altitude operations; 4. Strengthen monitoring of places prone to lightning strikes causing fires.

Od Pondelok 15:20 (pred 3 dňami)
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Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:



1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好雷电防御工作; 2.关注天气变化,尽量减少户外活动,避免在树下、电杆下、塔吊下避雨; 3.停止高空作业; 4.加强对易遭受雷击引发火灾场所的监视。

Posledná aktualizácia:
Zhangxian Meteorological Observatory issues yellow lightning warning signal
Od Utorok 16:35 (pred 2 dňami)
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Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

At 16:35 on September 24, 2024, the Zhangxian Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for lightning: It is expected that within 6 hours, some towns and villages in our county, such as Sancha, Jinzhong, Yanjing, Shihuqiao, Wuyang, Dacaotan, Sizhu, Guiqingshan, Dongquan, Xinsi, and Shichuan, may experience lightning activity, which may cause lightning disasters and accidents. Please pay attention to prevention!


1. The government and relevant departments shall carry out lightning defense work in accordance with their responsibilities; 2. Pay attention to weather changes, try to minimize outdoor activities, and avoid shelter from rain under trees, poles, and tower cranes; 3. Stop high-altitude operations; 4. Strengthen monitoring of places prone to lightning strikes causing fires.

Od Utorok 16:35 (pred 2 dňami)
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Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:



1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好雷电防御工作; 2.关注天气变化,尽量减少户外活动,避免在树下、电杆下、塔吊下避雨; 3.停止高空作业; 4.加强对易遭受雷击引发火灾场所的监视。

Posledná aktualizácia:
Wushan County Meteorological Observatory issues yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds
Od Utorok 17:05 (pred 2 dňami)
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Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

At 17:05 on September 24, 2024, the Wushan County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds: it is expected that within the next 6 hours, most towns and villages in our county, such as Yupan, Zuitou, Chengguan, Shandan, Yuanyang, Luomen, Simen, and Wenquan, will be affected by thunderstorms and strong winds, with an average wind force of over 6 and accompanied by strong lightning. There may be short-term heavy precipitation and hail in some areas. Please pay attention to prevention.


1. Safely store valuable electrical equipment that is susceptible to lightning strikes, and place them in a safe place after power outages; 2. Residents in dangerous areas and dangerous buildings, as well as ships, should go to sheltered places to avoid wind. Do not shelter from rain under trees, poles, or tower cranes. When lightning strikes, turn off your mobile phone; 3. Stop outdoor collective activities and evacuate personnel immediately; 4. Outdoor workers working at heights or on water should stop their work, and personnel in dangerous areas should evacuate.

Od Utorok 17:05 (pred 2 dňami)
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Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:



1.妥善保管易受雷击的贵重电器设备,断电后放到安全的地方; 2.危险地带和危房居民,以及船舶应到避风场所避风,千万不要在树下、电杆下、塔吊下避雨,出现雷电时应当关闭手机; 3.停止露天集体活动,立即疏散人员; 4.高空、水上等户外作业人员停止作业,危险地带人员撤离。

Posledná aktualizácia:
Wushan County Meteorological Observatory issues orange hail warning signal
Od Utorok 17:31 (pred 2 dňami)
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Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:

At 17:31 on September 24, 2024, the Wushan County Meteorological Observatory issued an orange hail warning signal: It is expected that within the next 6 hours, hail will occur in most towns and villages in our county, including Yupan, Mali, Gaolou, Zuitou, Chengguan, Shandan, Yuanyang, Luomen, and Simen, accompanied by lightning, short-term heavy rainfall, and gusty winds, which may cause hail disasters. Please take precautions!


1. The government and relevant departments shall make emergency preparations for hail defense in accordance with their responsibilities; 2. The shadow agency should prepare for hail suppression operations and operate at the appropriate time; 3. Personnel should try to avoid going out as much as possible, and outdoor personnel should temporarily take shelter in safe places; 4. Drive away poultry and livestock into covered areas, and properly place and protect vehicles parked outdoors, vulnerable items or equipment.

Od Utorok 17:31 (pred 2 dňami)
Až do ďalšieho oznámenia
Oficiálne vysvetlenia varovania:



1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好冰雹防御的应急准备工作; 2.人影机构做好防雹作业准备,并择机作业; 3.人员尽量避免外出,户外人员到安全地方暂避; 4.驱赶家禽、牲畜进入有顶篷的场所,妥善安置和保护露天停放的车辆、室外易损物品或设备。

Posledná aktualizácia:

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