Website design updates

Most of our users have probably already noticed the latest website design and usability improvements. All of them? Some of them become only visible at a second glance: Check out the details and your advantage.

In March 2023, we launched a major design update for our website (as you have probably already noticed):

  • The page is much cleaner - with a darker blue background, round boxes, and small hidden animations - so you can find the required weather data more easily.
  • We added an interactive help section to the start page, describing all the information shown. The help window appears when you hover the cursor over the grey question mark. For example, help has been added to the daily overview boxes or next to the rainSPOT.
  • The rainSPOT - a meteoblue invention - is also cleaner and thus better for detecting rain at the selected location and its vicinity.
  • An improved login page has also been introduced, directly guiding you to the available services associated with your account, making it easier to access.
  • Links to our country-specific pages have been added to the country underneath the location search. This link directs you to selected weather maps for the given country.

Besides those changes, the mobile website is now also enhanced, with many small updates making it more comprehensive for usage on mobile devices.

We hope you enjoy the changes and would appreciate your feedback.

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