Air Quality Alert issued September 23 at 9:14AM MST by NWS Phoenix AZ
-დან დღეს 09:14 (1 საათის წინ)
Მანამდე დღეს 21:15 (10 საათში)
ოფიციალური გამაფრთხილებელი განმარტებები:


The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has issued an Ozone High Pollution Advisory for the Phoenix Metro Area on Monday.

This means that forecast weather conditions combined with existing ozone levels are expected to result in local maximum 8-hour ozone concentrations that pose a health risk. Adverse health effects increase as air quality deteriorates.

Ozone is an air contaminant which can cause breathing difficulties for children, older adults, as well as persons with respiratory problems. A decrease in physical activity is recommended.

You are urged to car pool, telecommute or use mass transit. The use of gasoline-powered equipment should be reduced or done late in the day.

For details on this High Pollution Advisory, visit the ADEQ internet site at or call 602-771-2300.

AQAPSR The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has issued an Ozone High Pollution Advisory for the Phoenix Metro Area on Monday. This means that forecast weather conditions combined with existing ozone levels are expected to result in local maximum 8-hour ozone concentrations that pose a health risk. Adverse health effects increase as air quality deteriorates. Ozone is an air contaminant which can cause breathing difficulties for children, older adults, as well as persons with respiratory problems. A decrease in physical activity is recommended. You are urged to car pool, telecommute or use mass transit. The use of gasoline-powered equipment should be reduced or done late in the day. For details on this High Pollution Advisory, visit the ADEQ internet site at or call 602-771-2300.

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Excessive Heat Watch issued September 23 at 12:18AM MST until September 28 at 8:00PM MST by NWS Phoenix AZ
-დან ოთხშაბათს 10:00 (1 დღეში)
Მანამდე დღეს 16:00 (5 საათში)
ოფიციალური გამაფრთხილებელი განმარტებები:
  • WHAT: Dangerously hot conditions possible. Afternoon temperatures 104 to 110. Major Heat Risk. Overexposure can cause heat cramps and heat exhaustion to develop and, without intervention, can lead to heat stroke.

  • WHERE: A portion of south central Arizona, including the Phoenix Metro area.

  • WHEN: From Wednesday morning through Saturday evening.

  • IMPACTS: Heat related illnesses increase significantly during extreme heat events.

  • ADDITIONAL DETAILS: In Maricopa County, call 2-1-1 to find a free cooling center, transportation, water, and more.

* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions possible. Afternoon temperatures 104 to 110. Major Heat Risk. Overexposure can cause heat cramps and heat exhaustion to develop and, without intervention, can lead to heat stroke. * WHERE...A portion of south central Arizona, including the Phoenix Metro area. * WHEN...From Wednesday morning through Saturday evening. * IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly during extreme heat events. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...In Maricopa County, call 2-1-1 to find a free cooling center, transportation, water, and more.


An Excessive Heat Watch means that a period of very hot temperatures, even by local standards, may occur. Actions should be taken to lessen the impact of the extreme heat. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1. Public cooling shelters are available in some areas. Consult county officials for more details.

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ამინდის მკაცრი გაფრთხილებები meteoblue-ს აწვდის მსოფლიოს 80-ზე მეტ ოფიციალურ სააგენტოს. meteoblue არ არის პასუხისმგებელი გაფრთხილებების რეალურ შინაარსთან ან ბუნებასთან დაკავშირებით. პრობლემების შესახებ შეტყობინება შესაძლებელია ჩვენი გამოხმაურების ფორმის მეშვეობით და გადაეცემა შესაბამის ინსტანციებს.

meteoMail - Warnings New River-ისთვის

მიიღეთ ამინდის გაფრთხილებები ელექტრონული ფოსტით უფასოდ.

meteoMail უფასოა და გამოწერის გაუქმება ნებისმიერ დროსაა შესაძლებელი.

ჩვენ არ ვუზიარებთ თქვენს ელფოსტის მისამართს მესამე მხარეებს, როგორც ეს მოცემულია ჩვენს კონფიდენციალურობის პოლიტიკაში. Meteoblue სერვისების გამოყენებით თქვენ ეთანხმებით ჩვენს წესებსა და პირობებს. თქვენი ელექტრონული ფოსტის მისამართიც ასევე იქნება გამოყენებული meteoblue-ს სხვა მომსახურებებთან ერთად.

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