Meteo markets forecast

At the 2021 EMS conference, meteoblue contributed a new forecast - of jobs in meteorological services in Europe.

Where is the weather industry headed? In 2020, we presented market research showing a growth of 2.3x in revenues and 1.5x in jobs of private weather service providers (PSP) in 6 European countries for the period 2010-2019. During this year EMS Annual meeting 2021, we analysed the "EU weather value chain - past, current and future perspectives", including National Hydro-Meteorological Services (NHMS) in 7 European countries - showing an increase in budgets, but not in jobs from 2010 to 2019: reductions in National Services were largely compensated by growth of Private Service Providers.

The next decade will pose some challenges: new technologies, climate change, more applications. We expect the number of required meteorologists to increase - and to contribute to this increase with better services and new jobs.

Copies of the presentation can be obtained from us.

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