Earth Day Photo Competition – Winner 2

Securing second place in our Earth Day photography competition is a truly striking image of a thunderstorm.

Captured on the 1st of September, 2018, in Starigrad, Croatia, this photograph depicts a remarkable thunderstorm front approaching the Adriatic Sea from the island. The local thunderstorm cell developed due to the ascent of warm and moist sea air, which in turn leads to the cooling of these air masses. Once saturated, condensation transpires and raindrops bearing varying electrical charges form. Eventually, these differences are balanced, resulting in the lightning seen in the photograph. Cumulonimbus (Cb) clouds, identifiable by their substantial vertical expansion and anvil-like uppermost layer, are typical of thunderstorms.

We highly recommend exploring our meteoScool thunderstorm page for further insight into the fascinating world of thunderstorms. Thank you for sharing this spectacular image!

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