Coastal Waters Forecast for the Northern Gulf of Alaska Coast up to 100 nm out including Kodiak Island and Cook Inlet.
Wind forecasts reflect the predominant speed and direction expected. Sea forecasts represent an average of the highest one-third of the combined wind wave and swell height.
- TONIGHT: E wind 30 kt. Seas 8 ft. Rain.
- FRI: E wind 30 kt. Seas 9 ft. Rain.
- FRI NIGHT: SE wind 25 kt becoming E 40 kt after midnight. Seas 11 ft. Rain.
- SAT: E wind 40 kt. Seas 19 ft.
- SAT NIGHT: E wind 20 kt. Seas 15 ft.
- SUN: SW wind 20 kt. Seas 15 ft.
- MON: S wind 30 kt. Seas 8 ft.
- TUE: SE wind 40 kt. Seas 17 ft.
Coastal Waters Forecast for the Northern Gulf of Alaska Coast up to 100 nm out including Kodiak Island and Cook Inlet. Wind forecasts reflect the predominant speed and direction expected. Sea forecasts represent an average of the highest one-third of the combined wind wave and swell height. .TONIGHT...E wind 30 kt. Seas 8 ft. Rain. .FRI...E wind 30 kt. Seas 9 ft. Rain. .FRI NIGHT...SE wind 25 kt becoming E 40 kt after midnight. Seas 11 ft. Rain. .SAT...E wind 40 kt. Seas 19 ft. .SAT NIGHT...E wind 20 kt. Seas 15 ft. .SUN...SW wind 20 kt. Seas 15 ft. .MON...S wind 30 kt. Seas 8 ft. .TUE...SE wind 40 kt. Seas 17 ft.
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