Zhoukou Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning for thunderstorms and strong winds [Level III/severe]
Od Dzisiaj 16:20 (3 godziny temu)
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At 16:25 on June 14, 2024, the Zhoukou Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds: it is expected that in the next 6 hours, all townships and streets under the jurisdiction of Chuanhui District, Integrated Demonstration Zone, and Lingang Development Zone will be affected by thunderstorms and strong winds, with gusts reaching level 7 or above and locally accompanied by strong lightning. Please take precautions. Defense Guidelines: 1. The government and relevant departments should carry out emergency rescue work to defend against strong winds and lightning in accordance with their responsibilities. 2. Stop outdoor activities in a timely manner, and stop outdoor operations such as high-altitude and water operations. 3. Outdoor places such as parks, scenic spots, and amusement parks should take protective measures to ensure personnel safety. 4. Residents should close doors and windows tightly, properly place outdoor objects and hanging objects, try to avoid going out, and stay in a safe place with lightning protection devices for temporary shelter. 5. Relevant departments and enterprises shall take necessary measures to ensure the safety of equipment, facilities, and places susceptible to strong winds and lightning strikes. 6. Airports, rail transit, highways, ports and docks and other operating and management units shall take measures to ensure safety.

Od Dzisiaj 16:20 (3 godziny temu)
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Shenqiu County Meteorological Observatory issues a red warning for high temperatures [Level I/particularly severe]
Od Dzisiaj 13:07 (6 godzin temu)
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At 13:10 on June 14, 2024, the Shenqiu County Meteorological Observatory upgraded the orange high-temperature warning signal to a red high-temperature warning signal: It is expected that this afternoon, the highest temperature in all towns and streets in our county, including Dongcheng Street, Beicheng Street, Huaidian Hui Ethnic Town, Laocheng Town, Baiji Town, Hongshan Town, Beiyangji Town, etc., will rise to above 40 ℃. Please take precautions. Defense Guide: 1. The government and relevant departments shall take emergency measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down in accordance with their responsibilities, ensuring production, fire protection, health and safety, as well as urban water and power supply. 2. Stop outdoor operations (except for special industries). 3. Avoid prolonged outdoor activities, take effective shading and sun protection measures, and take protective measures for the elderly, weak, sick, and young population. 4. Drivers should be careful not to put flammable materials inside the vehicle. Before driving, the condition of the vehicle should be checked to prevent spontaneous combustion. 5. Relevant departments and units should pay special attention to fire prevention.

Od Dzisiaj 13:07 (6 godzin temu)
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Zhoukou Meteorological Observatory issues an orange warning for thunderstorms and strong winds [Level II/severe]
Od Dzisiaj 17:40 (2 godziny temu)
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At 17:40 on June 14, 2024, the Zhoukou Meteorological Observatory upgraded the yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds to an orange warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds. It is expected that in the next 3 hours, Chuanhui District, Integrated Demonstration Zone, and Lingang Development Zone will be affected by thunderstorms and strong winds, with gusts reaching level 9 or above. Local areas will be accompanied by strong lightning, short-term heavy rainfall, and hail. Please take precautions. Defense Guidelines: 1. The government and relevant departments should promptly pay attention to the latest news on thunderstorms and strong winds, as well as relevant defense notices, and be ready to activate emergency rescue plans at any time. 2. Immediately stop outdoor activities and work. 3. Outdoor places such as parks, scenic spots, and amusement parks should promptly issue warning messages, close relevant areas, cease operations, and organize residents to take refuge. 4. Residents should close doors and windows tightly, and properly place outdoor storage and hanging objects. Personnel are not allowed to go out. When going out, they should stay away from outdoor billboards, sheds, metal houses, and other structures that are easily moved by strong winds. They should not take shelter under trees, poles, or tower cranes. They should stay in a safe place with lightning protection devices for temporary shelter. 5. Protective measures should be taken on construction sites to strengthen the safety protection of facilities such as sheds, scaffolding, and derricks, as well as mechanical and electrical equipment such as tower cranes, gantry cranes, and elevators, to ensure personnel safety. 6. Airports, rail transit, highways, ports and docks and other operating and management units should quickly take measures to ensure safety.

Od Dzisiaj 17:40 (2 godziny temu)
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Shenqiu County Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning for thunderstorms and strong winds [Level III/severe]
Od Dzisiaj 18:35 (1 godzina temu)
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At 18:38 on June 14, 2024, the Shenqiu County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds: it is expected that in the next 6 hours, all towns and villages in our county, including Dongcheng Street, Beicheng Street, Huaidian Hui Ethnic Town, Baiji Town, Beiyangji Town, Xingzhuang Town, and Biankou Township, will be affected by thunderstorms and strong winds, with gusts reaching level 7 or above and accompanied by strong thunderstorms, short-term heavy rainfall, and other convective weather. Please take precautions. Defense Guidelines: 1. The government and relevant departments should carry out emergency rescue work to defend against strong winds and lightning in accordance with their responsibilities. 2. Stop outdoor activities in a timely manner, and stop outdoor operations such as high-altitude and water operations. 3. Outdoor places such as parks, scenic spots, and amusement parks should take protective measures to ensure personnel safety. 4. Residents should close doors and windows tightly, properly place outdoor objects and hanging objects, try to avoid going out, and stay in a safe place with lightning protection devices for temporary shelter. 5. Relevant departments and enterprises shall take necessary measures to ensure the safety of equipment, facilities, and places susceptible to strong winds and lightning strikes. 6. Airports, rail transit, highways, ports and docks and other operating and management units shall take measures to ensure safety.

Od Dzisiaj 18:35 (1 godzina temu)
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