Huining County Meteorological Station Releases rainstorm Blue Warning Signal
Od Dzisiaj 08:03 (12 godzin temu)
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Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

At 08:03 on September 20, 2024, the meteorological station of Huining County issued a blue warning signal for rainstorm: in the past 12 hours, the cumulative precipitation in Hanjiacha Town of our county has reached 48 mm. It is expected that the accumulated precipitation in some parts of the northeast of our county will reach over 50 millimeters today. Please pay attention to preventing secondary disasters such as urban and rural waterlogging, flash floods, and geological hazards that may be caused by accumulated precipitation.


1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for rainstorm prevention according to their responsibilities; 2. The transportation department should implement traffic guidance on flooded roads based on road conditions; 3. Check the drainage systems of urban and rural flood prone areas, underground sites, and farmland, and prepare for drainage; 4. Schools and kindergartens take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of students and young children; 5. Strengthen the monitoring of hidden dangers of flash floods and geological disasters, and make preparations for prevention; 6. The tourism department organizes hidden danger inspections of tourist attractions (points) and prepares for the evacuation of tourists; 7. Public transportation should pay attention to road waterlogging and stay away from outdoor power facilities; Drivers should pay attention to driving safety.

Od Dzisiaj 08:03 (12 godzin temu)
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Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:



1.政府及各相关部门按照职责做好防暴雨准备工作; 2.交通部门应当根据路况在积水路段实行交通引导; 3.检查城乡易涝点、地下场所、农田排水系统,做好排涝准备; 4.学校、幼儿园采取适当措施保证学生和幼儿安全; 5.加强山洪和地质灾害隐患点监测,做好防范准备工作; 6.旅游部门组织对旅游景区(点)进行隐患排查,并做好疏散游客准备; 7.公众出行应当注意道路积水,远离室外电力设施;驾驶人员注意行车安全。

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