The meteorological station of Subei Mongolian Autonomous County issued a blue warning signal for strong winds
Od Dzisiaj 19:35 (29 minut temu)
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Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

At 19:35 on June 3, 2024, the Meteorological Observatory of Subei Mongolian Autonomous County issued a blue warning signal for strong winds: it is expected that from tonight to tomorrow during the day, there will be an average wind force of 6-7 levels and gusts of 8-9 levels in Mazongshan Town and Shibao Township of our county, accompanied by sand and dust in some areas. Relevant units and personnel are requested to prepare for prevention.


1. The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in preventing strong winds according to their responsibilities; 2. Close doors and windows, reinforce fences, sheds, billboards and other structures that are easily moved by the wind, and carefully investigate key areas that may be affected, such as power and communication facilities, to prevent them in advance; 3. Use windproof equipment when traveling, reduce cycling, and do not linger under billboards, temporary structures, etc; 4. Units such as airports and highways should take measures to ensure traffic safety; 5. Relevant departments and units should pay attention to fire prevention in forests, grasslands, and other areas, and prohibit outdoor sacrificial activities; 6. Investigate safety hazards in enterprise factories and large equipment, reinforce outdoor construction equipment protection, and ensure that operators take appropriate protective measures.

Od Dzisiaj 19:35 (29 minut temu)
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Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:



1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好防大风工作; 2.关好门窗,加固围板、棚架、广告牌等易被风吹动的搭建物,对可能影响的电力、通信设施等重点部位,认真排查,提早预防; 3.出行使用防风用品,减少骑行,不要在广告牌、临时搭建物等下面逗留; 4.机场、高速公路等单位应当采取保障交通安全的措施; 5.有关部门和单位注意森林、草原等防火,禁止户外祭祀活动; 6.排查企业厂房和大型设备的安全隐患,户外施工设备防护加固,作业人员做好防护工作。

Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Delingha Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow lightning warning signal
Od Dzisiaj 18:39 (1 godzina temu)
Do Jutro 18:39 (za 22 godziny)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

On June 3rd at 18:40, the Delingha Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for lightning: it is expected that lightning activities may occur in the Delingha area from 18:40 on the 3rd to 00:40 on the 4th, which may cause lightning disasters and locally accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds. Please take precautions. Defense Guidelines: 1. The government and relevant departments shall carry out lightning protection work in accordance with their responsibilities; 2. Stop outdoor activities such as mountaineering, and suspend outdoor facilities in parks, amusement parks, and other outdoor places; 3. Personnel who are already outdoors should stay away from large trees, wall corners, or areas with protruding metal objects. They should not stay on mountaintops, ridges, rooftops, water edges, or open areas. They should not use mobile phones and should not hold metal objects in their hands or carry them on their shoulders.

Od Dzisiaj 18:39 (1 godzina temu)
Do Jutro 18:39 (za 22 godziny)
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