Golmud Meteorological Station Releases rainstorm Blue Warning Signal
Od Dzisiaj 00:48 (18 godzin temu)
Do Jutro 00:48 (za 5 godzin)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

At 00:50 on June 1, Golmud Meteorological Station issued a blue warning signal for rainstorm: it is estimated that a short-time rainstorm will occur in Wuzi Lake, Dagele Township, from 00:50 to 01:50 on June 1, and relevant units and personnel are requested to be prepared. Defense measures: 1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for rainstorm prevention according to their responsibilities; 2. Schools and kindergartens in hazardous areas shall take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of students and young children; 3. Drivers should pay attention to road waterlogging and traffic congestion to ensure driving safety; 4. Pedestrians should not take shelter or stay under tall buildings or billboards to avoid being injured by falling objects.

Od Dzisiaj 00:48 (18 godzin temu)
Do Jutro 00:48 (za 5 godzin)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

格尔木市气象台6月1日00时50分发布暴雨蓝色预警信号:预计6月1日00时50分至01时50分,大格勒乡五子湖将出现短时暴雨,请有关单位和人员做好防范准备。 防御措施: 1.政府及有关部门按照职责做好防暴雨准备工作; 2.处于危险地带的学校、幼儿园采取适当措施,保证学生和幼儿安全; 3.驾驶人员注意道路积水和交通堵塞,确保行车安全; 4.行人不要在高楼或广告牌下躲雨、停留,以免被坠落物砸伤。

Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Golmud Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow blizzard warning signal
Od Piątek 21:43 (21 godzin temu)
Do Dzisiaj 21:43 (za 2 godziny)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

The Golmud Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow blizzard warning signal at 21:40 on May 31: It is expected that there will be blizzards in the Wudaoliang area from 21:40 on May 31 to 03:40 on June 1. Relevant units and personnel are requested to be prepared for prevention. Defense measures: 1. The government and relevant departments shall carry out anti snowstorm and anti freezing work in accordance with their responsibilities; 2. Relevant departments should strengthen the inspection and maintenance of roads, railways, and power facilities, and do a good job in road cleaning and snow melting; 3. Pedestrians and vehicles should minimize going out and traveling as much as possible; 4. Agricultural and pastoral areas should do a good job in preventing blizzards and freezing damage; 5. Reinforce structures such as plastic greenhouses and simple greenhouses.

Od Piątek 21:43 (21 godzin temu)
Do Dzisiaj 21:43 (za 2 godziny)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

格尔木市气象台5月31日21时40分发布暴雪黄色预警信号:预计5月31日21时40分至6月1日03时40分,五道梁地区将出现暴雪,请有关单位和人员做好防范准备。 防御措施: 1.政府及有关部门按照职责做好防暴雪和防冻害工作; 2.有关部门加强道路、铁路、电力设施巡查维护,做好道路清扫和积雪融化工作; 3.行人和车辆尽量减少外出和出行; 4.农牧区做好防暴雪和防冻害工作; 5.加固塑料大棚、简易大棚等搭建物。

Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Golmud Meteorological Station Releases rainstorm Blue Warning Signal
Od Dzisiaj 01:39 (17 godzin temu)
Do Jutro 01:39 (za 6 godzin)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

At 01:40 on June 1, Golmud Meteorological Station issued a blue warning signal for rainstorm: it is estimated that a short time rainstorm will occur at Longyang Village, Xinzhuang Village and Dagele Fork in Dagele Township from 01:40 to 02:40 on June 1. Please prepare for it. Defense measures: 1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for rainstorm prevention according to their responsibilities; 2. Drivers should pay attention to road waterlogging and traffic congestion to ensure driving safety; 3. Pedestrians should not take shelter or stay under tall buildings or billboards to avoid being injured by falling objects.

Od Dzisiaj 01:39 (17 godzin temu)
Do Jutro 01:39 (za 6 godzin)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

格尔木市气象台6月1日01时40分发布暴雨蓝色预警信号:预计6月1日01时40分至02时40分,大格勒乡龙羊村、新庄村、大格勒岔口将出现短时暴雨,请有关单位和人员做好防范准备。 防御措施: 1.政府及有关部门按照职责做好防暴雨准备工作; 2.驾驶人员注意道路积水和交通堵塞,确保行车安全; 3.行人不要在高楼或广告牌下躲雨、停留,以免被坠落物砸伤。

Ostatnia aktualizacja:

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