Strong Wind Signal, No. 3 was updated at 7:45 a.m. on 1 June
Od Dzisiaj 07:45 (42 minuty temu)
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Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

Here is the latest Tropical Cyclone Warning Bulletin issued by the Hong Kong Observatory. The Strong Wind Signal, No. 3 is in force. This means that winds with mean speeds of 41 to 62 kilometres per hour are expected. At 8 a.m., Tropical Storm Maliksi was estimated to be about 220 kilometres west of Hong Kong (near 22.4 degrees north 112.0 degrees east) and is forecast to move north-northeast at about 18 kilometres per hour into inland Guangdong. Radar imageries show that squally showers and strong winds associated with Maliksi are affecting the vicinity of the Pearl River Estuary. According to the present forecast track, Maliksi will move towards the vicinity of Qingyuan, skirting around 200 kilometres to the northwest of Hong Kong around noon. Maliksi will continue to bring strong southerlies and heavy squally showers to Hong Kong before noon. Winds on high ground will be occasionally gale. It is expected that the Strong Wind Signal, No. 3, will remain in force at least until noon. The need to issue the Standby Signal, No. 1 thereafter depends on the degree of weakening of Maliksi over inland areas and the changes in local wind conditions. Seas will be rough with swells. Members of the public are advised to stay away from the shoreline and not to engage in water sports. In the past hour, the maximum sustained winds recorded at Ngong Ping, Sha Chau and Green Island were 66, 45 and 43 kilometres per hour with maximum gusts exceeding 84, 58 and 53 kilometres per hour respectively.


1. Please take precautions now. Make sure objects likely to be blown away are securely fastened or taken indoors. Check if all windows and doors can be securely locked. 2. Drains should now be cleared of leaves and rubbish. People in low-lying areas should take precautions against flooding. 3. Seas are rough and there are swells. You are advised to stay away from the shoreline and not to engage in water sports. 4. Avoid staying in areas exposed to high winds. Drivers using highways and flyovers should be alert to violent gusts. 5. Construction and property management practitioners should make sure that overhanging facilities and temporary structures outdoors are securely fastened or placed on the ground, and complete precautionary measures as soon as possible. 6. Small vessel owners should now complete all safety arrangements and return to nearby typhoon shelters. 7. Small vessels not yet in typhoon shelters should seek shelter without delay. Use heavy anchors and check that all deck fittings are firmly fastened. 8. Listen to radio, watch TV or browse the Hong Kong Observatory's website and mobile app for the latest information on the tropical cyclone.

Od Dzisiaj 07:45 (42 minuty temu)
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Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

三號強風信號,現正生效。 預料本港平均風速每小時41至62公里。 在上午8時,熱帶風暴馬力斯集結在香港以西約220公里,即在北緯22.4度,東經112.0度附近,預料向東北偏北移動,時速約18公里,移入廣東內陸。雷達圖像顯示與馬力斯相關的狂風驟雨及強風正影響珠江口一帶。按照現時預測路徑,馬力斯會移向清遠一帶,在中午前後於本港西北約200公里掠過。馬力斯會在中午前繼續為本港帶來偏南強風及狂風大驟雨,高地間中吹烈風,預料三號強風信號會至少維持至正午十二時。隨後會否改發一號戒備信號,要視乎馬力斯在內陸的減弱程度及本港的風力變化。 海面會有大浪及湧浪,市民請遠離岸邊及停止所有水上活動。 在過去一小時,昂坪、沙洲及青洲分別錄得的最高持續風速為每小時66、45及43公里,最高陣風分別超過每小時84、58及53公里。


三號強風信號-防風措施報告: 1. 請立即採取防風措施,將容易被風吹倒的物件綁緊或搬入室內。檢查所有門窗是否可以關閉。 2. 請立即將堆積在渠道上的樹葉與垃圾清除,低窪地區的市民應為防範水浸做好準備。 3. 海面有大浪及有湧浪,市民應該遠離岸邊及停止所有水上活動。 4. 市民應避免身處當風地點。在高速公路或天橋上的駕車人士要提防猛烈陣風吹襲。 5. 建造業及物業管理從業員請設法將室外的懸空裝置和臨時搭建物綁緊或安放至地面,以及盡快完成防風措施。 6. 小型船隻船主應立即完成一切安全措施及返回附近的避風塘。 7. 未駛回避風塘的小型船隻,應立即就近找地方避風,下錨時應使用大錨,並檢查甲板上的裝置是否縛緊。 8. 請留意電台、電視台或瀏覽香港天文台網頁及流動應用程式有關風暴的最新消息。

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