Zhaoyuan County Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning for thunderstorms and strong winds [Level III/severe]
Od Dzisiaj 16:27 (3 godziny temu)
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Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

At 16:26 on June 11, 2024, the Zhaoyuan County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds: It is expected that within the next 6 hours, towns and villages in our county (Toutai, Guqia, Zhaoyuan Town, Heping, Erzhan, Minhetai, Sanzhan, and Fuxing) will be affected by thunderstorms and strong winds, with an average wind speed of 5-6 levels and gusts of 7-8 levels or above accompanied by lightning. Local areas may experience short-term heavy rainfall, hail, and other severe convective weather. Relevant units and individuals are advised to take preventive measures. Defense guidelines: 1. Be prepared for wind and lightning protection; 2. Pay attention to the latest news on thunderstorms and strong winds reported by the media, as well as relevant wind prevention notices. Students should stay in a safe place; 3. Secure structures such as doors, windows, hoardings, sheds, and temporary structures that are easily moved by wind. Personnel should leave the temporary structures as soon as possible and properly place outdoor items that are susceptible to thunderstorms and strong winds.

Od Dzisiaj 16:27 (3 godziny temu)
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Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

肇源县气象台2024年06月11日16时26分发布雷雨大风黄色预警信号:预计未来6小时内,我县(头台、古恰、肇源镇、和平、二站、薄荷台、三站、福兴)等乡镇将受雷雨大风影响,平均风力5-6级,阵风可达7-8级以上并伴有雷电,局地可能有短时强降水、冰雹等强对流天气,请有关单位和个人注意做好预防工作。 防御指南: 1、做好防风、防雷电准备; 2、注意有关媒体报道的雷雨大风最新消息和有关防风通知,学生停留在安全地方; 3、把门窗、围板、棚架、临时搭建物等易被风吹动的搭建物固紧, 人员应当尽快离开临时搭建物,妥善安置易受雷雨大风影响的室外物品。

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