Fuding Water Resources Bureau issues a blue warning for mountain flood disaster risk
Od Dzisiaj 08:44 (10 godzin temu)
Do Jutro 08:44 (za 13 godzin)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

On June 17, 2024 at 08:44, the Water Resources Bureau of Fuding City issued a blue warning for mountain flood risk: According to the rainfall numerical forecast of the provincial meteorological station, it is expected that in the next 24 hours, there may be mountain flood risk in the following areas: the blue warning area is in the northwest of Guanyang Town. Other regions may also experience flash floods due to local short duration heavy rainfall. Please pay attention to real-time monitoring, flood prevention warning, and evacuation and other prevention measures.

Od Dzisiaj 08:44 (10 godzin temu)
Do Jutro 08:44 (za 13 godzin)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

福鼎市水利局于2024年06月17日08时44分发布山洪灾害风险蓝色预警 :根据省气象台降雨数值预报,预计未来24小时,以下区域可能出现山洪灾害风险:蓝色预警区域:管阳镇西北部。其它地区也可能因局地短历时强降水引发山洪灾害,请各地注意做好实时监测、防汛预警和转移避险等防范工作。

Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Fuding Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning signal for heavy fog
Od Dzisiaj 08:12 (10 godzin temu)
Do Dzisiaj 20:12 (za 1 godzinę)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

On June 17, 2024 at 08:12, the Fuding Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning signal for heavy fog: it is expected that from day to night today, some towns and coastal areas in our city will experience heavy fog with visibility less than 500 meters. Please take precautions!

Od Dzisiaj 08:12 (10 godzin temu)
Do Dzisiaj 20:12 (za 1 godzinę)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:


Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Rainstorm Yellow Warning [Level III/Severe] Issued by Wenzhou Meteorological Observatory
Od Dzisiaj 16:15 (2 godziny temu)
Do Jutro 16:15 (za 21 godzin)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

At 16:15 on June 17, 2024, Wenzhou Meteorological Observatory continued to issue the yellow warning signal of rainstorm in Wenzhou urban area: affected by the eastward movement of precipitation clouds, it is expected that there will be heavy rain to rainstorm in all streets (towns) in Wenzhou urban area from this afternoon to tomorrow. Please pay attention to preventing secondary disasters such as urban and rural waterlogging, small watershed flash floods, landslides and debris flows that may be caused by heavy rainfall.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay attention to the early warning signal dynamics in a timely manner, and do a good job in emergency work against rainstorm according to relevant regulations; 2. Relevant responsible units shall take necessary drainage measures according to the situation; 3. Suspend outdoor operations and activities depending on the situation, and outdoor personnel should avoid activities in dangerous areas such as streams, rivers, culverts, and low-lying areas prone to flooding; Vehicles should avoid high-risk areas such as waterlogged roads and sunken overpasses as much as possible, and avoid placing materials and vehicles in low-lying and easily flooded areas.

Od Dzisiaj 16:15 (2 godziny temu)
Do Jutro 16:15 (za 21 godzin)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:



1.政府及相关部门及时关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御暴雨应急工作; 2.相关责任单位视情况采取必要的排涝措施; 3.视情况暂停户外作业和活动,户外人员避免在溪流、河道、涵洞、低洼易涝区等危险区域活动;行驶车辆尽量绕开积水路段及下沉式立交桥等风险区域,避免将物资、车辆置于低洼易涝区域。

Ostatnia aktualizacja:

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