Od Dzisiaj 18:00 (54 minuty temu)
Do Jutro 02:00 (za 7 godzin)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

A moderate to severe rainstorm is propagating from Southern Benin into Togo and expected to engulf Southern Ghana tonight. The rainstorm is expected to produce moderate to heavy thunderstorms with rain. Moderate to strong winds are likely to accompany the rainstorm. There are possibilities of flash floods over low-lying areas.


To report a fire hazard visit or contact NADMO on phone +233302982531. Occasional cloud-to-ground lightning is anticipated with this storm. Lightning is one of nature`s leading killers.

Ensure runoff waters can access gutters by clearing waterways of debris. Continue listening to local media as updates will be provided if conditions change significantly. If you require additional information on the weather conditions please contact [Ghana Meteorological Agency] at [+233244784847]

Persons should not be out on the roads during heavy rainfall. If you must be outside, use extreme caution. Do not drive your vehicle into areas where water covers the roadway. People living in flood-prone areas are advised to take necessary precautions.

To report a fire hazard visit or contact NADMO on phone +233302982531. Occasional cloud-to-ground lightning is anticipated with this storm. Lightning is one of nature`s leading killers. Ensure runoff waters can access gutters by clearing waterways of debris. Continue listening to local media as updates will be provided if conditions change significantly. If you require additional information on the weather conditions please contact [Ghana Meteorological Agency] at [+233244784847] Persons should not be out on the roads during heavy rainfall. If you must be outside, use extreme caution. Do not drive your vehicle into areas where water covers the roadway. People living in flood-prone areas are advised to take necessary precautions.

Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Język: en

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