Wenzhou Meteorological Observatory issues an orange high-temperature warning [Level II/Severe]
Od Dzisiaj 11:27 (10 godzin temu)
Do Jutro 11:27 (za 13 godzin)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

At 11:27 am on June 23, 2024, the Wenzhou Meteorological Observatory issued an orange high-temperature warning signal for the urban area of Wenzhou. Due to the influence of the subtropical high pressure, it is expected that the highest temperature in streets (towns) such as Nanhui and Qidu in Lucheng District, Panqiao, Wutian, and Sanyang in Ouhai District, Zhuangyuan in Longwan District, and Puzhou can reach over 38 ℃ during the day today. Hope all relevant parties can do a good job in heatstroke prevention and cooling.


1. The government and relevant departments shall implement measures to ensure heatstroke prevention and cooling; 2. Try to avoid outdoor activities during high temperature periods, and personnel working under high temperature conditions should shorten their continuous working hours; 3. Provide guidance on heatstroke prevention and cooling for the elderly, weak, sick, and young population, and take necessary protective measures; 4. Pay attention to preventing accidents caused by excessive load on power equipment.

Od Dzisiaj 11:27 (10 godzin temu)
Do Jutro 11:27 (za 13 godzin)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:



1.政府及相关部门落实防暑降温保障措施; 2.尽量避免在高温时段进行户外活动,高温条件下作业的人员应当缩短连续工作时间; 3.对老、弱、病、幼人群提供防暑降温指导,并采取必要的防护措施; 4.注意防范电力设备负载过大而引发的事故。

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