Disruptive Rain
Od Dzisiaj 10:22 (1 godzina temu)
Do Dzisiaj 23:59 (za 11 godzin)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

Flooding of roads and settlements is possible which could result in damage to property and infrastructure. Disruption of traffic flow is likely, along with increased motor vehicle accidents. Mudslides and rock falls may also occur in susceptible areas. Some communities could be temporarily inaccessible. Danger to life due to fast flowing streams.


Be cautious on roads, avoid crossing rivers and swollen streams where water is above your ankles. If trapped in a vehicle during a flood, abandon it and climb to higher ground. In buildings, move valuables to a safe place above the expected flood level. Switch off electricity at the supply point to the building. Be especially cautious at night when it's harder to recognize flood dangers. Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.

Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Język: en-EN

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