Zhengyang County Meteorological Station issued an orange rainstorm warning [Level II/severe]
Od Piątek 15:50 (9 godzin temu)
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Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:

At 15:50 on June 21, 2024, Zhengyang County Meteorological Station issued an orange rainstorm warning signal: it is expected that the precipitation in Zhenyang Street, Shenshui Township, Xiongzhai and other northwest towns and streets in Zhengyang County will reach more than 50 mm in the next three hours, and the rainfall may continue. Please prepare for prevention.


1. When entering the state of rainstorm prevention, the government and relevant departments shall do a good job in the emergency work of rainstorm prevention according to their responsibilities. 2. In dangerous areas threatened by rainstorm and flood, classes, businesses (except special industries) and gatherings shall be suspended. 3. Residents should minimize travel and close doors and windows as much as possible. Residents in low-lying areas should prepare sandbags, water barriers, and other items, or build thresholds to prevent floods from entering their homes. 4. Underground shopping malls, underground parking lots, sunken tunnels, and flood prone areas should be promptly closed when necessary. Tunnels, culverts, underground spaces of public facilities, overpasses, sunken buildings and other low-lying areas prone to water accumulation should be quickly closed when necessary to prevent accidents caused by rainwater backflow. 5. Carry out drainage work for cities and farmland, and pay attention to preventing potential urban waterlogging, flash floods, landslides, mudslides, and other disasters.

Od Piątek 15:50 (9 godzin temu)
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Oficjalne wyjaśnienia dotyczące ostrzeżeń:



1.进入暴雨防御状态,政府及相关部门按照职责做好防暴雨应急工作。 2.受暴雨洪涝威胁的危险地带应停课、停业(除特殊行业外)、停止集会。 3.居民应尽量减少出行,关好门窗,地处低洼的居民要准备沙袋、挡水板等物品,或砌好门槛,以防止洪水进屋。 4.地下商场、地下停车场、下沉式隧道、易涝点等部位必要时要及时封闭。隧道、涵洞,公共设施的地下空间,立交桥、下沉式建筑等易积水的低洼区域,必要时要迅速关闭,严防雨水倒灌引发事故。 5.做好城市、农田的排涝工作,注意防范可能引发的城市内涝和山洪、滑坡、泥石流等灾害。

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