Coastal Flood Statement issued May 27 at 4:01AM EDT until May 27 at 11:00PM EDT by NWS Key West FL
De la Astăzi 04:01 (4 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 23:00 (peste 14 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:
  • WHAT: Minor saltwater flooding.

  • WHERE: Middle and Lower Florida Keys.

  • WHEN: Through this evening, but especially during the afternoon high tide.

  • IMPACTS: Minor saltwater flooding of low elevation streets and lots is likely. Some storm drains will overflow, and some seawalls and docks will be overtopped. Boaters can expect less clearance under fixed bridges. Motorists should remember that persistent puddles around the times of high tide are almost certain to contain a mix of saltwater.

* WHAT...Minor saltwater flooding. * WHERE...Middle and Lower Florida Keys. * WHEN...Through this evening, but especially during the afternoon high tide. * IMPACTS...Minor saltwater flooding of low elevation streets and lots is likely. Some storm drains will overflow, and some seawalls and docks will be overtopped. Boaters can expect less clearance under fixed bridges. Motorists should remember that persistent puddles around the times of high tide are almost certain to contain a mix of saltwater.


Do not drive through flooded roadways.

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