Small Craft Advisory issued September 20 at 3:05PM AKDT until September 22 at 5:00AM AKDT by NWS Anchorage AK
De la Astăzi 17:00 (peste 13 ore)
Până la Astăzi 04:15 (peste 55 minute)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

Coastal Waters Forecast for Southwest Alaska+Bristol Bay+The Alaska Peninsula Waters and the Aleutian Islands up to 100 nm out.

Wind forecasts reflect the predominant speed and direction expected. Sea forecasts represent an average of the highest one-third of the combined wind wave and swell height.

  • TONIGHT: N wind 15 kt. Seas 2 ft.
  • SAT: NE wind 15 kt. Seas 2 ft.
  • SAT NIGHT: E wind 30 kt. Seas 5 ft.
  • SUN AND SUN NIGHT: NE wind 35 kt. Seas 8 ft.
  • MON: N wind 25 kt. Seas 4 ft.
  • TUE THROUGH WED: NW wind 20 kt. Seas 4 ft.

Coastal Waters Forecast for Southwest Alaska+Bristol Bay+The Alaska Peninsula Waters and the Aleutian Islands up to 100 nm out. Wind forecasts reflect the predominant speed and direction expected. Sea forecasts represent an average of the highest one-third of the combined wind wave and swell height. .TONIGHT...N wind 15 kt. Seas 2 ft. .SAT...NE wind 15 kt. Seas 2 ft. .SAT NIGHT...E wind 30 kt. Seas 5 ft. .SUN AND SUN NIGHT...NE wind 35 kt. Seas 8 ft. .MON...N wind 25 kt. Seas 4 ft. .TUE THROUGH WED...NW wind 20 kt. Seas 4 ft.

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