Frost Advisory issued September 22 at 1:37PM CDT until September 23 at 8:00AM CDT by NWS Duluth MN
De la Mâine 02:00 (peste 9 ore)
Până la Mâine 04:00 (peste 11 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:
  • WHAT: Temperatures as low as 33 to 36 degrees will result in frost formation.

  • WHERE: In Minnesota and Wisconsin.

  • WHEN: From 2 AM to 8 AM CDT Monday.

  • IMPACTS: Frost could harm sensitive outdoor vegetation. Sensitive outdoor plants may be killed if left uncovered.

* WHAT...Temperatures as low as 33 to 36 degrees will result in frost formation. * WHERE...In Minnesota and Wisconsin. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 8 AM CDT Monday. * IMPACTS...Frost could harm sensitive outdoor vegetation. Sensitive outdoor plants may be killed if left uncovered.


Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.

Frost Advisory issued September 22 at 1:37PM CDT until September 23 at 8:00AM CDT by NWS Duluth MN
De la Mâine 02:00 (peste 9 ore)
Până la Mâine 04:00 (peste 11 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:
  • WHAT: Temperatures as low as 33 to 36 degrees will result in frost formation.

  • WHERE: In Minnesota and Wisconsin.

  • WHEN: From 2 AM to 8 AM CDT Monday.

  • IMPACTS: Frost could harm sensitive outdoor vegetation. Sensitive outdoor plants may be killed if left uncovered.

* WHAT...Temperatures as low as 33 to 36 degrees will result in frost formation. * WHERE...In Minnesota and Wisconsin. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 8 AM CDT Monday. * IMPACTS...Frost could harm sensitive outdoor vegetation. Sensitive outdoor plants may be killed if left uncovered.


Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.

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