Special weather statement in effect
De la Marți 23:14 (5 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 14:05 (peste 9 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

Rain, at times heavy is expected tonight into Wednesday.

Hazard: Total local rainfall amounts near 25 to 40 mm.

Timing: Beginning this evening and tapering off Wednesday morning or afternoon.

Discussion: Showers are expected to push into the region as a moisture laden system moves into the Great Lakes Basin. The showers are expected to become more widespread and heavy at times tonight along with the risk for thunderstorms. Showers will continue into Wednesday morning but are expected to become more isolated and ease off in intensity. There still remains a high degree of uncertainty on where the heaviest rain will setup.

For information concerning flooding, please consult your local Conservation Authority or Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry office. Visit Ontario.ca/floods for the latest details.

Heavy downpours can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads. Localized flooding in low-lying areas is possible.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #ONStorm.

Rain, at times heavy is expected tonight into Wednesday. Hazard: Total local rainfall amounts near 25 to 40 mm. Timing: Beginning this evening and tapering off Wednesday morning or afternoon. Discussion: Showers are expected to push into the region as a moisture laden system moves into the Great Lakes Basin. The showers are expected to become more widespread and heavy at times tonight along with the risk for thunderstorms. Showers will continue into Wednesday morning but are expected to become more isolated and ease off in intensity. There still remains a high degree of uncertainty on where the heaviest rain will setup. For information concerning flooding, please consult your local Conservation Authority or Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry office. Visit Ontario.ca/floods for the latest details. Heavy downpours can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads. Localized flooding in low-lying areas is possible. ### Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #ONStorm.

Ultima actualizare:
Limbă: en-CA
Rainfall warning in effect
De la Marți 18:00 (10 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 08:12 (peste 3 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

Rain, at times heavy is expected tonight into Wednesday.

Hazard: Total local rainfall amounts of 30 to 50 mm.

Timing: Beginning this evening and tapering off Wednesday morning or afternoon.

Discussion: Showers are expected to push into the region this evening as a moisture laden system moves into the Great Lakes Basin. The showers are expected to become more widespread and heavy at times tonight along with the risk for thunderstorms. Showers will continue into Wednesday morning but are expected to become more isolated and ease off in intensity. Some areas may potentially receive in excess of 50 mm but there still remains a high degree of uncertainty.

For information concerning flooding, please consult your local Conservation Authority or Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry office. Visit Ontario.ca/floods for the latest details.

Heavy downpours can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads. Localized flooding in low-lying areas is possible.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #ONStorm.

Rain, at times heavy is expected tonight into Wednesday. Hazard: Total local rainfall amounts of 30 to 50 mm. Timing: Beginning this evening and tapering off Wednesday morning or afternoon. Discussion: Showers are expected to push into the region this evening as a moisture laden system moves into the Great Lakes Basin. The showers are expected to become more widespread and heavy at times tonight along with the risk for thunderstorms. Showers will continue into Wednesday morning but are expected to become more isolated and ease off in intensity. Some areas may potentially receive in excess of 50 mm but there still remains a high degree of uncertainty. For information concerning flooding, please consult your local Conservation Authority or Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry office. Visit Ontario.ca/floods for the latest details. ### Heavy downpours can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads. Localized flooding in low-lying areas is possible. Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #ONStorm.

Avertissement de pluie en vigueur
De la Marți 18:00 (10 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 08:12 (peste 3 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

On prévoit de la pluie parfois forte de ce soir ou cette nuit jusqu'à mercredi.

Dangers : Une quantité totale de pluie de 30 à 50 mm.

Quand : À compter de ce soir et cessant peu à peu mercredi matin ou après-midi.

Description : Les averses devraient envahir la région ce soir à mesure qu'une dépression chargée d'humidité gagnera le bassin des Grands Lacs. Les averses de pluie devraient devenir plus généralisées et plus fortes par moments ce soir et cette nuit avec un risque d'orages. Les averses de pluie persisteront jusqu'à mercredi matin, mais elles devraient devenir plus isolées et diminuer d'intensité peu à peu. Certaines régions pourraient recevoir plus de 50 mm, mais le degré d'incertitude demeure élevé.

Pour obtenir des renseignements sur les inondations, veuillez consulter votre office local de protection de la nature ou le bureau du ministère des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts de l'Ontario. Consultez le site Ontario.ca/inondations pour connaître les renseignements les plus récents.

Les pluies torrentielles peuvent causer des crues soudaines et une accumulation d'eau sur les routes. Des inondations sont possibles par endroits dans les basses terres.

Veuillez continuer à surveiller les alertes et les prévisions émises par Environnement Canada. Pour signaler du temps violent, envoyez un courriel à [email protected] ou publiez un gazouillis en utilisant le mot-clic #ONMeteo.

On prévoit de la pluie parfois forte de ce soir ou cette nuit jusqu'à mercredi. Dangers : Une quantité totale de pluie de 30 à 50 mm. Quand : À compter de ce soir et cessant peu à peu mercredi matin ou après-midi. Description : Les averses devraient envahir la région ce soir à mesure qu'une dépression chargée d'humidité gagnera le bassin des Grands Lacs. Les averses de pluie devraient devenir plus généralisées et plus fortes par moments ce soir et cette nuit avec un risque d'orages. Les averses de pluie persisteront jusqu'à mercredi matin, mais elles devraient devenir plus isolées et diminuer d'intensité peu à peu. Certaines régions pourraient recevoir plus de 50 mm, mais le degré d'incertitude demeure élevé. Pour obtenir des renseignements sur les inondations, veuillez consulter votre office local de protection de la nature ou le bureau du ministère des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts de l'Ontario. Consultez le site Ontario.ca/inondations pour connaître les renseignements les plus récents. ### Les pluies torrentielles peuvent causer des crues soudaines et une accumulation d'eau sur les routes. Des inondations sont possibles par endroits dans les basses terres. Veuillez continuer à surveiller les alertes et les prévisions émises par Environnement Canada. Pour signaler du temps violent, envoyez un courriel à [email protected] ou publiez un gazouillis en utilisant le mot-clic #ONMeteo.

Ultima actualizare:
Special weather statement in effect
De la Marți 23:14 (5 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 14:05 (peste 9 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

Rain, at times heavy is expected tonight into Wednesday.

Hazard: Total local rainfall amounts near 25 to 40 mm.

Timing: Beginning this evening and tapering off Wednesday morning or afternoon.

Discussion: Showers are expected to push into the region as a moisture laden system moves into the Great Lakes Basin. The showers are expected to become more widespread and heavy at times tonight along with the risk for thunderstorms. Showers will continue into Wednesday morning but are expected to become more isolated and ease off in intensity. There still remains a high degree of uncertainty on where the heaviest rain will setup.

For information concerning flooding, please consult your local Conservation Authority or Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry office. Visit Ontario.ca/floods for the latest details.

Heavy downpours can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads. Localized flooding in low-lying areas is possible.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #ONStorm.

Rain, at times heavy is expected tonight into Wednesday. Hazard: Total local rainfall amounts near 25 to 40 mm. Timing: Beginning this evening and tapering off Wednesday morning or afternoon. Discussion: Showers are expected to push into the region as a moisture laden system moves into the Great Lakes Basin. The showers are expected to become more widespread and heavy at times tonight along with the risk for thunderstorms. Showers will continue into Wednesday morning but are expected to become more isolated and ease off in intensity. There still remains a high degree of uncertainty on where the heaviest rain will setup. For information concerning flooding, please consult your local Conservation Authority or Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry office. Visit Ontario.ca/floods for the latest details. Heavy downpours can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads. Localized flooding in low-lying areas is possible. ### Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #ONStorm.

Ultima actualizare:
Limbă: en-CA

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