Flood Warning issued May 27 at 9:16PM CDT until June 4 at 1:00PM CDT by NWS Grand Forks ND
De la Astăzi 22:00 (peste 19 ore)
Până la Mâine 03:30 (peste 1 zi)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in North Dakota,Minnesota

Red River of the North at Oslo affecting Grand Forks, Walsh, Marshall and Polk Counties.

Buffalo River near Dilworth affecting Clay County.

The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in North Dakota,Minnesota

Red River of the North at East Grand Forks affecting Grand Forks and Polk Counties.

For the Red River,including Wahpeton, Hickson, Fargo, Halstad, East Grand Forks, Oslo, Drayton, Pembina,Moderate flooding is forecast. For the Buffalo River,including Hawley, Dilworth,Minor flooding is forecast.

  • WHAT: Minor flooding is forecast.

  • WHERE: Red River of the North at East Grand Forks.

  • WHEN: From Tuesday evening to Tuesday, June 04.



    • At 8:45 PM CDT Monday the stage was 26.3 feet.
    • Bankfull stage is 28.0 feet.
    • Forecast: The river is expected to rise above flood stage tomorrow evening to a crest of 29.7 feet Thursday evening. It will then fall below flood stage Monday, June 03.
    • Flood stage is 28.0 feet.

...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in North Dakota...Minnesota... Red River of the North at Oslo affecting Grand Forks, Walsh, Marshall and Polk Counties. Buffalo River near Dilworth affecting Clay County. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in North Dakota...Minnesota... Red River of the North at East Grand Forks affecting Grand Forks and Polk Counties. For the Red River...including Wahpeton, Hickson, Fargo, Halstad, East Grand Forks, Oslo, Drayton, Pembina...Moderate flooding is forecast. For the Buffalo River...including Hawley, Dilworth...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Red River of the North at East Grand Forks. * WHEN...From Tuesday evening to Tuesday, June 04. * IMPACTS...At 28.0 feet, MINOR FLOOD STAGE. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:45 PM CDT Monday the stage was 26.3 feet. - Bankfull stage is 28.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage tomorrow evening to a crest of 29.7 feet Thursday evening. It will then fall below flood stage Monday, June 03. - Flood stage is 28.0 feet.


Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas.

Safety message - Turn around, don't drown. Don't travel through flooded areas. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles.

Additional information is available at https://www.weather.gov.

Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Safety message - Turn around, don't drown. Don't travel through flooded areas. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov.

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