Special Weather Statement issued May 5 at 2:35AM CDT by NWS Huntsville AL
De la Astăzi 02:35 (4 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 09:00 (peste 2 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

Patchy Dense Fog has developed across portions of northern Alabama and southern Middle Tennessee early this morning, with visibilities dropping to between one-half of a mile and one mile in a few locations. Motorists are urged to drive with extreme caution, as visibilities will vary significantly given the patchy nature of the fog. Use low beams, reduce driving speed, and allow for plenty of room between you and other cars. The fog should burn off between 8-9 AM CDT.

Special Weather Statement issued May 5 at 2:35AM CDT by NWS Huntsville AL
De la Astăzi 02:35 (4 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 09:00 (peste 2 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

Patchy Dense Fog has developed across portions of northern Alabama and southern Middle Tennessee early this morning, with visibilities dropping to between one-half of a mile and one mile in a few locations. Motorists are urged to drive with extreme caution, as visibilities will vary significantly given the patchy nature of the fog. Use low beams, reduce driving speed, and allow for plenty of room between you and other cars. The fog should burn off between 8-9 AM CDT.

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