WHAT: Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations around 1 to 2 inches, with up to 3 inches possible. Ice accumulations of a light glaze.
WHERE: Northern Piedmont of North Carolina.
WHEN: From 7 AM Wednesday to 10 AM EST Thursday.
IMPACTS: Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. These hazardous conditions could impact the Wednesday evening commute.
ADDITIONAL DETAILS: Hazardous travel conditions are most likely to occur late Wednesday afternoon into Wednesday night.
* WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations around 1 to 2 inches, with up to 3 inches possible. Ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Northern Piedmont of North Carolina. * WHEN...From 7 AM Wednesday to 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. These hazardous conditions could impact the Wednesday evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Hazardous travel conditions are most likely to occur late Wednesday afternoon into Wednesday night.
Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1.
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