Veld Fire Conditions
De la Astăzi 05:00 (peste 4 ore)
Până la Astăzi 18:59 (peste 18 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life.


All personnel and equipment should be removed from the field. Fire teams, labour and equipment are to be placed on full stand-by. At first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time. All available aircraft are to be called for without delay.

Ultima actualizare:
Limbă: en-EN
Veld Fire Conditions
De la Astăzi 05:00 (peste 4 ore)
Până la Astăzi 18:59 (peste 18 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life.


All personnel and equipment should be removed from the field. Fire teams, labour and equipment are to be placed on full stand-by. At first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time. All available aircraft are to be called for without delay.

Ultima actualizare:
Limbă: en-EN

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