Xiamen Meteorological Station Releases rainstorm Blue Warning Signal
De la Astăzi 09:43 (4 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 21:43 (peste 7 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

At 09:43 on April 30, 2024, Xiamen Meteorological Station issued a blue rainstorm warning signal: it is estimated that the cumulative rainfall in some towns, streets and offshore areas of our city in the next six hours will reach 30~50 mm, with some exceeding 50 mm. Please pay attention to preventing secondary disasters such as urban waterlogging and flash floods caused by heavy rainfall.

De la Astăzi 09:43 (4 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 21:43 (peste 7 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:


Ultima actualizare:
Xiamen Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow lightning warning signal
De la Astăzi 08:15 (5 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 14:15 (peste 24 minute)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

At 08:15 on April 30, 2024, the Xiamen Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow lightning warning signal: it is expected that there will be lightning activity in most towns, streets, and coastal areas of our city in the next 6 hours, accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall and short-term strong winds of 8-11 levels in some areas. Please pay attention to preventing the impact of severe convective weather on public activities, safety production, etc.

De la Astăzi 08:15 (5 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 14:15 (peste 24 minute)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:


Ultima actualizare:
Xiamen Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds
De la Astăzi 08:21 (5 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 14:21 (peste 30 minute)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

The Xiamen Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds at 08:21 on April 30, 2024. It is expected that in the next 6 hours, most towns, streets, and coastal areas in our city will be affected by thunderstorms and strong winds, with gusts of 8-11 levels accompanied by strong lightning and local small hail. Please pay attention to preventing the adverse effects of severe convective weather on public activities, safety production, etc.

De la Astăzi 08:21 (5 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 14:21 (peste 30 minute)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:


Ultima actualizare:
Xiamen Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow lightning warning signal
De la Astăzi 13:00 (50 minute în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 19:00 (peste 5 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

At 13:00 on April 30, 2024, the Xiamen Meteorological Observatory downgraded the orange lightning warning signal to a yellow lightning warning signal: it is expected that there will still be lightning activity in our city and near the sea in the next 6 hours, accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall, short-term strong winds of 8 to 9 levels, and other strong convective weather. Please pay attention to preventing the adverse effects of severe convective weather on public activities, safety production, etc.

De la Astăzi 13:00 (50 minute în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 19:00 (peste 5 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:


Ultima actualizare:
Zhangzhou Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds
De la Astăzi 09:11 (4 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 15:11 (peste 1 oră)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

On April 30, 2024 at 09:11, the Zhangzhou Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds: it is expected that within the next 6 hours, some towns and streets in Xiangcheng District, Zhangzhou High tech Zone, and Taiwan Business Investment Zone will experience thunderstorms and strong lightning with a magnitude of 8-9. Please pay attention to preventing the adverse effects of thunderstorms and strong winds on ongoing projects, facility agriculture, transportation, etc.

De la Astăzi 09:11 (4 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 15:11 (peste 1 oră)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:


Ultima actualizare:
Longhai Meteorological Station issues orange rainstorm warning signal
De la Astăzi 11:43 (2 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 14:43 (peste 52 minute)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

At 11:43 on April 30, 2024, the meteorological observatory of Longhai District upgraded the yellow rainstorm warning signal to the orange rainstorm warning signal: in the past hour, the precipitation of Wuyu Island in Gangwei Town in our district has reached 59.3 mm. It is estimated that there will still be 20-40 mm of precipitation in the eastern towns of Longjiao She Nationality Township, Gangwei Town, Dongyuan Town, Fugong Town, Baishui Town, etc. in the next two hours. Please pay attention to preventing secondary disasters such as urban and rural waterlogging, landslides, and mudslides that may be caused by sustained heavy rainfall!

De la Astăzi 11:43 (2 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 14:43 (peste 52 minute)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:


Ultima actualizare:

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