Dalian Meteorological Bureau issues orange warning for strong winds over the sea [Level II/Severe]
De la Astăzi 10:35 (5 ore în urmă)
Până la Mâine 02:35 (peste 10 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

At 10:33 am on September 20, 2024, the Dalian Meteorological Observatory continued to issue an orange warning signal for strong winds over the sea: it is expected that from noon to midnight on the 20th, there will be northerly winds of 7 to 8 levels and gusts of 9 to 11 levels along the western coast of Dalian, northerly winds of 7 to 8 levels and gusts of 9 to 10 levels along the southern coast, and northerly winds of 6 to 7 levels and gusts of 8 to 9 levels along the eastern coast. Please ensure that relevant departments take emergency measures to prevent strong winds and pay attention to maritime traffic and operational safety.


Please prepare relevant units and personnel for prevention.

De la Astăzi 10:35 (5 ore în urmă)
Până la Mâine 02:35 (peste 10 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:




Ultima actualizare:
Wafangdian Meteorological Bureau issues a yellow warning for strong winds [Level III/Heavy]
De la Astăzi 09:40 (6 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 21:40 (peste 5 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

The Wafangdian Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for strong winds at 9:32 am on September 20, 2024: It is expected that during the day of September 20, Wafangdian City will experience northerly winds of 6 to 7 levels and gusts of 8 to 10 levels. Relevant departments are requested to take measures to prevent strong winds, beware of falling objects from high altitude, and pay attention to travel and work safety.


Please prepare relevant units and personnel for prevention.

De la Astăzi 09:40 (6 ore în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 21:40 (peste 5 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:




Ultima actualizare:
Yingkou Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning for strong winds [Level III/Major]
De la Astăzi 15:35 (26 minute în urmă)
Până la Mâine 20:00 (peste 1 zi)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

Yellow warning signal for strong winds: It is expected that from the night of the 20th to the day of the 21st, there will be winds of 5 to 6 levels and gusts of 8 levels northeast in the Zhanqian District, Xishi District, and Laobian District of Yingkou City, as well as winds of 6 to 7 levels and gusts of 9 levels northeast in the northern Bohai Sea. Please take measures to prevent wind damage, properly place outdoor items, avoid outdoor operations and activities as much as possible, reinforce port facilities in a timely manner, and prevent ships from anchoring, grounding, and collision. Announced by Yingkou Meteorological Observatory at 15:35 on September 20, 2024

De la Astăzi 15:35 (26 minute în urmă)
Până la Mâine 20:00 (peste 1 zi)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:


Ultima actualizare:

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