Haikou Meteorological Station issued an orange rainstorm warning [Level II/serious]
De la Luni 18:43 (2 zile în urmă)
Până la noi ordine
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

At 18:43 on September 23, 2024, Haikou Meteorological Station changed the rainstorm red warning signal to rainstorm orange warning signal: the precipitation intensity in Haikou has weakened, and there will still be 20-30mm precipitation in the next three hours. It is recommended that relevant units and personnel take precautions.


1. The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in rainstorm emergency work according to their responsibilities; 2. Cut off hazardous outdoor power sources and suspend outdoor operations; 3. Units located in hazardous areas should suspend classes and take special measures to protect the safety of students, children, and other employees who have already arrived on campus; 4. Ensure proper drainage of urban and agricultural areas, and pay attention to preventing potential disasters such as flash floods, landslides, and mudslides.

De la Luni 18:43 (2 zile în urmă)
Până la noi ordine
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:



1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好防暴雨应急工作; 2.切断有危险的室外电源,暂停户外作业; 3.处于危险地带的单位应当停课、停业,采取专门措施保护已到校学生、幼儿和其他上班人员的安全; 4.做好城市、农田的排涝,注意防范可能引发的山洪、滑坡、泥石流等灾害。

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