De la Joi 13:05 (2 zile în urmă)
Până la Luni 20:00 (peste 2 zile)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:

Over the next five days, there is a high probability (75%) that daily maximum temperatures will reach or exceed 34.0 °C in Trinidad, and 33.0 °C or greater in Tobago. The hottest time of the day is between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Maximum temperatures higher than 34.0 °C are likely in cities, urban and built-up areas, and “feel-like” temperatures will likely range between 34.0 °C and 44.0 °C. While we have been experiencing hot days (defined as maximum temperatures of 34.0 °C or greater in Trinidad, and 33.0 °C or greater in Tobago) it is expected that the criteria for a Hot Spell, defined as five consecutive hot days, is likely to be reached or exceeded in the coming days. These hot days combined with tropical moisture and light winds are ingredients for rapid development of strong thunderstorms and/or heavy showers, mainly during afternoons. Although rainfall events may provide brief relief from hot conditions, however, warm nights are also likely.


Wear appropriate clothing, stay hydrated at all times, and keep out of direct sunlight to avoid sunburn. Open appropriate windows, vents and doors in your homes to ventilate at times.

Ultima actualizare:
Limbă: en-US

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