point+ for schools

Our weather data has a wide range of applications. Some schools use meteoblue weather data to plan activities and educate pupils.

For example, a school (Switzerland) uses our point+ subscription. With point+ you get access to various weather data, high-resolution diagrams, and sector-specific weather information.

Planning school activities requires a reliable, accurate and good weather information tool. For example, the school uses meteoblue to plan school trips, sports days, a visit to the Christmas market and many other events throughout the year. Therefore, the 14-day forecast is particularly useful.

In January, for example, they went to a ski camp on the Wiriehorn (Switzerland). Information on snow depth is essential for this. Snow information is included in our snow meteogram, available with point+.

You can also view the snow depth for your location with the help of our snow map.

In June, a one-week school trip will be planned with the help of our data. Especially predictability is a crucial factor for planning activities since it helps to interpret the forecast data best, find the right points in time to take decisions and be prepared for all kinds of excursions.

meteoblue is also part of the school's media and computer science lessons. Students are introduced to different apps there, so they learn the app’s technical programming code. Of course, the weather data is used to introduce students to the complex topic of atmospheric physics. The basics of the physical theories are well explained on our meteoScool pages.

We are happy to support different educational projects with our weather data!

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