meteoblue Weather Apps now send warnings via push-notifications

With the latest update of the meteoblue weather apps, you can receive official weather warnings via push notifications.

The official weather warnings now come to you - via push-notifcation in your app.

The official weather warnings - shown in the warning bubbles that indicate whether there is a weather warning for the selected location, and in the warning weather map - are now also available via push notifications. You can define a location for which you want to receive weather warnings, and the app informs you as soon as the respective national authority has issued a new warning.

You can set up the warnings in our Android and iOS apps by clicking on the location search bar. Select the second tab with the warnings symbol and define the location of interest there plus the severity of the warning - starting from green (low risk) to red (high risk). The free app supports one location, and you can access weather warnings for up to 10 locations with our premium app, which disables advertising and provides access to various widgets. Make sure that you have downloaded the latest app version in the store to access this new function.

We appreciate your feedback and would be glad to receive a positive app rating in the Google Play and App Store.

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