Yellow Rain Warning for Italy - Friuli Venezia Giulia
Από Σήμερα 02:00 (σε 1 ώρα)
Μέχρι το Αύριο 23:59 (σε 1 μέρα)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Moderate intensity weather phenomena expected (DISCLAIMER: "Information provided on METEOALARM for Italy regard only the intensity and recurrence of the phenomena, further details can be found at METEOALARM information do not provide the assessment of impact on the territory and they do not represent the Official Alerts messages that are issued by the National Civil Protection Service")

Moderate intensity weather phenomena expected (DISCLAIMER: "Information provided on METEOALARM for Italy regard only the intensity and recurrence of the phenomena, further details can be found at METEOALARM information do not provide the assessment of impact on the territory and they do not represent the Official Alerts messages that are issued by the National Civil Protection Service")


BE AWARE, keep up to date with the latest weather forecast. Expect some minor disruption to outdoor activities

Allerta Pioggia Giallo per l'Italia - Friuli Venezia Giulia
Από Σήμερα 02:00 (σε 1 ώρα)
Μέχρι το Αύριο 23:59 (σε 1 μέρα)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Sono previsti fenomeni meteorologici di moderata intensità (DISCLAIMER: "Le informazioni fornite su METEOALARM per l'Italia riguardano esclusivamente l'intensità e la ricorrenza dei fenomeni, maggiori dettagli sono disponibili su Le informazioni METEOALARM non forniscono la valutazione di impatto sul territorio e non rappresentano i messaggi di Allerta Ufficiali che vengono emessi dal Servizio Nazionale di Protezione Civile")

Sono previsti fenomeni meteorologici di moderata intensità (DISCLAIMER: "Le informazioni fornite su METEOALARM per l'Italia riguardano esclusivamente l'intensità e la ricorrenza dei fenomeni, maggiori dettagli sono disponibili su Le informazioni METEOALARM non forniscono la valutazione di impatto sul territorio e non rappresentano i messaggi di Allerta Ufficiali che vengono emessi dal Servizio Nazionale di Protezione Civile")


STARE (RIMANERE) ATTENTI. Tenersi aggiornati con le previsioni del tempo più recenti. Aspettarsi alcuni disagi minori per le attività all'aria aperta.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση:
Nevihte - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / jugozahod
Από Αύριο 09:00 (σε 1 μέρα)
Μέχρι το Αύριο 23:59 (σε 1 μέρα)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Možne so krajevne nevihte. Lokalno možni močnejši nalivi, piš vetra in udari strel. Hitro lahko narastejo hudourniški vodotoki.


Bodite pozorni na bližajoče se nevihtne oblake. Med nevihto se ne zadržujte na izpostavljenih mestih, počakajte na varnem mestu, nevihta običajno ne traja dolgo.

Moderate Thunderstorms Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / South-West
Από Αύριο 09:00 (σε 1 μέρα)
Μέχρι το Αύριο 23:59 (σε 1 μέρα)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Thunderstorms are possible, accompanied by local intense precipitation and gusty winds. Intense local showers with wind blasts and lightning strikes are possible. Torrential watercourses may rise quickly. Rainwater floods are possible.


Beware of approaching storm clouds. Do not linger in exposed locations, e.g. under trees or power lines. Wait in a safe place, as storms usually do not last long.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση:
Veter - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / jugozahod
Από Κυριακή 19:00 (πριν 5 ώρες)
Μέχρι το Σήμερα 00:59 (σε 18 λεπτά)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Maksimalna hitrost vetra : od 70 do 85 km/h. Veter maje drevesa in lahko že lomi veje. Ovira cestni promet določenih kategorij in lahko že nekoliko otežuje gibanje. Morje je zmerno vzvalovano (3).


Vrata in okna naj bodo zaprta. Na prostem se ne zadržujte na potencialno nevarnih mestih. Priporočamo dodatno previdnost v prometu. Priporočamo previdnost na morju.

Moderate Wind Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / South-West
Από Κυριακή 19:00 (πριν 5 ώρες)
Μέχρι το Σήμερα 00:59 (σε 18 λεπτά)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Maximum wind speed : from 70 to 85 km/h. Wind sways trees and may break branches. It impedes road traffic of certain categories and may hinder movement to some extent. The sea is fairly rough (3).


Before the event: Close all windows and doors. Stow or fasten anything that could be carried away by the wind. Check the situation of vessels in berths. During the event: Doors and windows should be kept closed. When moving in the open, pay attention to possible falling objects. Stop all work at heights. Do not repair damage during the event. We recommend additional caution in traffic, especially in crosswinds and in exposed areas (e.g. bridges, cuttings). Caution is recommended in water sports. Less skilled sailors should not sail out. Swimmers should stay close to the shore.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση:
Veter - velika ogroženost (Stopnja 3/4) - Slovenija / jugozahod
Από Σήμερα 01:00 (σε 19 λεπτά)
Μέχρι το Σήμερα 13:59 (σε 13 ώρες)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Maksimalna hitrost vetra : od 100 do 120 km/h. Veter lomi veje in lahko podira posamezna drevesa, odkriva strehe. Možne so prekinitve v oskrbi z električno energijo. Oviran je cestni, lahko tudi pomorski promet. Gibanje na prostem je zelo oteženo in nevarno. Morje je zmerno vzvalovano do vzvalovano (3-4).


Ostanite v varnih, zaprtih prostorih, ob morebitnem gibanju na prostem se izogibajte nevarnih mest. Ne vključujte se v promet, če ni nujno potrebno. Plovila naj bodo privezana na varnih privezih. Ostanite na kopnem. Spremljajte meteorološka obvestila in opozorila ter informacije. Upoštevajte navodila organov Civilne zaščite in Uprave za pomorstvo.

Severe Wind Warning (Degree 3/4) - Slovenia / South-West
Από Σήμερα 01:00 (σε 19 λεπτά)
Μέχρι το Σήμερα 13:59 (σε 13 ώρες)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Maximum wind speed : from 100 to 120 km/h. Wind breaks branches and may fell trees, remove roofing and overturn billboards. Intermittent electricity supply is possible. Road traffic as well as maritime traffic may be impeded. Outdoor activities are severely impeded and dangerous because of flying and falling objects. The sea is fairly rough to rough (3-4).


Before the event: Close and if necessary additionally secure all windows and doors. Park cars in a garage or outdoors at a sufficient distance from buildings and trees. In the vicinity of your house, stow everything that is not securely fastened. Events in the open should be cancelled. Stop all works at heights in good time. Security measures should be implemented in schools and kindergartens. Check vessels in berths and prepare them for stormy conditions. All sailing and swimming in the sea should be cancelled. Safeguard measures should be implemented in ports, marinas, sport clubs by the coast, at bathing sites and hotel beaches. During the event: Doors and windows should be kept closed. Linger in safe, enclosed premises whenever possible. When moving in the open, avoid the leeward side of buildings, treelines and other possibly dangerous areas. Do not repair damage during the event. If driving is unavoidable, we recommend great caution in traffic, especially in crosswinds and in exposed areas (e.g. bridges, cuttings); count on fallen trees. Driving certain categories of vehicles (caravans, sheeted vehicles) is not recommended. Expect a special navigation regime in sea ports. Do not engage in sports activities at sea. Swimming in the sea is not recommended. Follow meteorological updates, warnings and informations. Follow the instructions of the Civil Protection and Maritime Administration bodies.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση:
Veter - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / jugozahod
Από Σήμερα 14:00 (σε 13 ώρες)
Μέχρι το Σήμερα 23:59 (σε 23 ώρες)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Maksimalna hitrost vetra : od 85 do 100 km/h. Veter maje drevesa in lahko že lomi veje. Ovira cestni promet določenih kategorij in lahko že nekoliko otežuje gibanje. Morje je zmerno vzvalovano (3).


Vrata in okna naj bodo zaprta. Na prostem se ne zadržujte na potencialno nevarnih mestih. Priporočamo dodatno previdnost v prometu. Priporočamo previdnost na morju.

Moderate Wind Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / South-West
Από Σήμερα 14:00 (σε 13 ώρες)
Μέχρι το Σήμερα 23:59 (σε 23 ώρες)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Maximum wind speed : from 85 to 100 km/h. Wind sways trees and may break branches. It impedes road traffic of certain categories and may hinder movement to some extent. The sea is fairly rough (3).


Before the event: Close all windows and doors. Stow or fasten anything that could be carried away by the wind. Check the situation of vessels in berths. During the event: Doors and windows should be kept closed. When moving in the open, pay attention to possible falling objects. Stop all work at heights. Do not repair damage during the event. We recommend additional caution in traffic, especially in crosswinds and in exposed areas (e.g. bridges, cuttings). Caution is recommended in water sports. Less skilled sailors should not sail out. Swimmers should stay close to the shore.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση:
Veter - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / jugozahod
Από Αύριο 01:00 (σε 1 μέρα)
Μέχρι το Αύριο 06:59 (σε 1 μέρα)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Maksimalna hitrost vetra : od 70 do 85 km/h. Veter maje drevesa in lahko že lomi veje. Ovira cestni promet določenih kategorij in lahko že nekoliko otežuje gibanje. Morje je zmerno vzvalovano (3).


Vrata in okna naj bodo zaprta. Na prostem se ne zadržujte na potencialno nevarnih mestih. Priporočamo dodatno previdnost v prometu. Priporočamo previdnost na morju.

Moderate Wind Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / South-West
Από Αύριο 01:00 (σε 1 μέρα)
Μέχρι το Αύριο 06:59 (σε 1 μέρα)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Maximum wind speed : from 70 to 85 km/h. Wind sways trees and may break branches. It impedes road traffic of certain categories and may hinder movement to some extent. The sea is fairly rough (3).


Before the event: Close all windows and doors. Stow or fasten anything that could be carried away by the wind. Check the situation of vessels in berths. During the event: Doors and windows should be kept closed. When moving in the open, pay attention to possible falling objects. Stop all work at heights. Do not repair damage during the event. We recommend additional caution in traffic, especially in crosswinds and in exposed areas (e.g. bridges, cuttings). Caution is recommended in water sports. Less skilled sailors should not sail out. Swimmers should stay close to the shore.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση:
Yellow Thunderstorm Warning for Italy - Friuli Venezia Giulia
Από Κυριακή 02:00 (πριν 22 ώρες)
Μέχρι το Αύριο 23:59 (σε 1 μέρα)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Moderate intensity weather phenomena expected (DISCLAIMER: "Information provided on METEOALARM for Italy regard only the intensity and recurrence of the phenomena, further details can be found at METEOALARM information do not provide the assessment of impact on the territory and they do not represent the Official Alerts messages that are issued by the National Civil Protection Service")

Moderate intensity weather phenomena expected (DISCLAIMER: "Information provided on METEOALARM for Italy regard only the intensity and recurrence of the phenomena, further details can be found at METEOALARM information do not provide the assessment of impact on the territory and they do not represent the Official Alerts messages that are issued by the National Civil Protection Service")


BE AWARE, keep up to date with the latest weather forecast. Expect some minor disruption to outdoor activities

Allerta Temporali Giallo per l'Italia - Friuli Venezia Giulia
Από Κυριακή 02:00 (πριν 22 ώρες)
Μέχρι το Αύριο 23:59 (σε 1 μέρα)
Επίσημες προειδοποιητικές εξηγήσεις:

Sono previsti fenomeni meteorologici di moderata intensità (DISCLAIMER: "Le informazioni fornite su METEOALARM per l'Italia riguardano esclusivamente l'intensità e la ricorrenza dei fenomeni, maggiori dettagli sono disponibili su Le informazioni METEOALARM non forniscono la valutazione di impatto sul territorio e non rappresentano i messaggi di Allerta Ufficiali che vengono emessi dal Servizio Nazionale di Protezione Civile")

Sono previsti fenomeni meteorologici di moderata intensità (DISCLAIMER: "Le informazioni fornite su METEOALARM per l'Italia riguardano esclusivamente l'intensità e la ricorrenza dei fenomeni, maggiori dettagli sono disponibili su Le informazioni METEOALARM non forniscono la valutazione di impatto sul territorio e non rappresentano i messaggi di Allerta Ufficiali che vengono emessi dal Servizio Nazionale di Protezione Civile")


STARE (RIMANERE) ATTENTI. Tenersi aggiornati con le previsioni del tempo più recenti. Aspettarsi alcuni disagi minori per le attività all'aria aperta.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση:

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