This is a free trial

Historical weather data for Basel can be downloaded freely without any restrictions.

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More information about history+


All values in the time range are aggregated and displayed. You can easily compare different seasons or create high resolution graphs based on different models.

history+ locations (0/0)
Customers with history+ can see their activated locations here. Access remains active for 1 year. Basel is available for free evaluation.


Your activated locations are listed here. You can switch to another location by clicking on the name, or compare data with the current location by checking the box.


High resolution

This windrose displays the occurrences of values or value classes in a given time range.

Wind rose

This wind rose displays the distribution where the wind is coming from and with which intensity.

Only marked areas on the map have high resolution.

high resolution


Degree Resolution

Direction resolution

Speed Resolution

Value classification. A value resolution of 5 categorises data in value steps of 5: 0-5 km/h, 5-10, 10-15...


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