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This year comparsion displays the occurrences of values or value classes in a given time range.

Year Comparison

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Temperature & Pressure


Clouds & Radiation


Weather variables information

  • Temperature (2m) and relative humidity (2m): Comparable to measurements at 2 meters above ground.
  • Growing degree days (2m): Absolute temperature difference between a base (e.g. 10°C) and limit (30°C). Calculated on hourly data instead of daily minimum and maximum.
  • Pressure: Atmospheric air pressure adjusted to mean sea level as most commonly used for weather reports. The local pressure varies with altitude. Locations at higher elevation have a lower local atmospheric pressure.
  • Precipitation amount: Total precipitation amount including rain, convective precipitation and snow. 1 mm at 10:00 is comparable to a rain-gauge measurement from 9:00-10:00.
  • Snowfall amount: Fraction of total precipitation that falls as snow and is converted to cm instead of mm.
  • Total cloud cover: Percentage of the sky covered with clouds: 50% means half of the sky is covered. 0-25% is mostly clear sky, 25-50% partly cloudy, 50-85% mostly cloudy and above 85% overcast.
  • Low, mid, high cloud cover: Cloud cover at different altitudes. High clouds (8-15 km) like Cirrus, are less significant for total cloud cover than mid clouds (4-8 km) like Alto-Cumulus and Alto-Stratus, or low clouds (below 4 km), like Stratus, Cumulus and fog.
  • Solar radiation: Global radiation (diffuse and direct) on a horizontal plain given in Watt per square meter.
  • Wind speed: Hourly average wind speeds at given altitude levels (e.g. 10 and 80 meters above ground) or pressure level (e.g. 900 hPa). Units can be selected.
  • Wind direction: Wind direction in degrees, seamlessly from 0° (wind blowing from North), 90° (East wind), 180° (South wind) and 270° (West wind) to 359°.
  • Wind gusts: Short term wind speed turbulence in an hour. Gusts are maximum measurable wind speed and indicate the level of turbulence. They are mostly higher than regular wind speeds.



Accumulate each data series. Useful for growing degree days, precipitation amount and other variables.


Parameter for growing degree days (GDD)

Adjust base and limit parameter for growing degree calculation. A limit-value lower than base, calculates the temperature cold sum.

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