The meteorological observatory of Jiangning District, Nanjing, issued a yellow rainstorm warning [Level III/major]
De Vendredi 11:34 (il y a 12 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 11:34 (dans 11 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

At 11:32 on June 21, 2024, Jiangning District Meteorological Station issued a yellow warning signal for rainstorm: It is expected that from noon today to the daytime tomorrow, most streets in our district, such as Qilin, Tangshan, Dongshan, Chunhua, Moling, Guli, and Jiangning, will have a 6-hour rainfall of 100 mm or more, please take precautions. It is expected that the strong rainfall will end around 20:00 tomorrow.

南京市江宁区气象台发布暴雨黄色预警[Ⅲ级/较大 ]
De Vendredi 11:34 (il y a 12 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 11:34 (dans 11 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:


Dernière mise à jour:
Ma anshan Meteorological Observatory issues a severe convective yellow warning [Level III/severe]
De Vendredi 20:45 (il y a 3 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 20:45 (dans 20 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

The Ma anshan Meteorological Observatory issued a strong convective yellow warning signal at 20:45 on June 21, 2024. It is expected that within the next 6 hours, there will be strong lightning activity in the main urban area and Bowang district of our city, as well as towns and streets such as Putang, Yintang, Xiangshan, Jiashan, Huoli, Cihu, and Caishi. It may also be accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall, strong convective weather such as gusts of around level 8. Please take precautions!


1. The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in emergency defense against short-term rainstorm, lightning and strong wind according to their responsibilities. 2. Reduce or suspend outdoor work and activities, enter safe places, close doors and windows, and stay away from power sources. 3. Water operations and passing vessels should return to the port in a timely manner and reinforce port facilities. 4. Strengthen facility greenhouses and simple structures, and properly place materials and equipment that are susceptible to heavy rainfall, wind and hail. 5. Check the drainage systems of cities, farmland, and fish ponds, and prepare for defense against urban and rural waterlogging, floods in small and medium-sized rivers, and geological disasters. 6. The public should take good precautions for their own safety.

De Vendredi 20:45 (il y a 3 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 20:45 (dans 20 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:



1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好防短时暴雨、防雷、防大风应急防御工作。 2.减少或暂停户外作业和活动,进入安全场所,关闭门窗,远离电源。 3.水上作业和过往船舶应及时回港,加固港口设施。 4.加固设施大棚、简易构建物,妥善安置易受强降雨、风雹影响的物资和设备。 5.检查城市、农田、鱼塘排水系统,做好城乡内涝、中小河流洪水和地质灾害等的防御准备。 6.公众做好自身安全防范。

Dernière mise à jour:

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