The Natural Resources Bureau of Huangzhong District, Xining City and the Meteorological Bureau of Huangzhong District, Xining City jointly issued a geological disaster meteorological risk warning
De Mercredi 19:36 (il y a 19 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 20:00 (dans 4 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

The Natural Resources Bureau of Huangzhong District, Xining City and the Meteorological Bureau of Huangzhong District, Xining City jointly issued a geological disaster meteorological risk warning: It is expected that from 20:00 on May 29, 2024 to 20:00 on May 30, 2024, the geological disaster meteorological risk warning level of Shangxinzhuang Town, Handong Township, Gonghe Town, Ganhetan Town, Ganhe Industrial Park, Tumengguan Township, Dacai Township, Qunjia Township, and Tianjiazhai Town in Huangzhong District will be yellow. The risk of geological disasters caused by meteorological factors is relatively high. Please closely monitor the precipitation situation and do a good job in geological disaster prevention!

De Mercredi 19:36 (il y a 19 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 20:00 (dans 4 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

西宁市湟中区自然资源局与西宁市湟中区气象局联合发布地质灾害气象风险预警:预计2024年5月29日20时至30日20时,湟中区上新庄镇、汉东乡、共和镇、甘河滩镇、甘河工业园、土门关乡、大才乡、群加乡、田家寨镇地质灾害气象风险预警等级为黄色预警。气象因素致地质灾害发生风险较高。 请密切关注降水情况,做好地质灾害防范工作!

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