Chongqing Meteorological Observatory issues a red warning for forest and grassland fire risks [Level I/Extremely Serious]
De Lundi 16:41 (il y a 1 jour)
Jusqu'à Dimanche 23:59 (dans 4 jours)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

The Chongqing Forest and Grassland Fire Prevention and Extinguishing Command, Chongqing Emergency Management Bureau, Chongqing Forestry Bureau, and Chongqing Meteorological Bureau will continue to jointly issue the "Forest and Grassland Fire Red Warning Signal" at 17:00 on September 23, 2024. Our city s Wanzhou, Qianjiang, Fuling, Dadukou, Jiangbei, Shapingba, Jiulongpo, Nan an, Beibei, Yubei, Banan, Changshou, Jiangjin, Hechuan, Yongchuan, Nanchuan, Qijiang, Dazu, Bishan, Tongliang, Tongnan, Rongchang, Kaizhou, Liangping, Wulong, Chengkou, Fengdu, Dianjiang, Zhongxian, Yunyang, Fengjie, Wushan, Wuxi, Shizhu, Xiushan, Youyang, Pengshui, Chongqing High tech Zone, Wansheng Economic Development Zone and other places have experienced high or extremely high forest and grassland fire danger meteorological levels for several consecutive days. It is expected that from September 24th to 29th, the above-mentioned districts and counties will continue to have high or extremely high forest and grassland fire risk meteorological levels, and the risk of forest and grassland fires is extremely high.

De Lundi 16:41 (il y a 1 jour)
Jusqu'à Dimanche 23:59 (dans 4 jours)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:


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