Rainstorm Yellow Warning [Level III/Severe] Issued by Wenzhou Meteorological Observatory
De Lundi 10:20 (il y a 23 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 10:20 (dans 36 minutes)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

At 10:20 on September 23, 2024, Wenzhou Meteorological Observatory continued to issue the yellow warning signal of rainstorm in Wenzhou urban area: Affected by cold air and inverted trough, it is expected that there will be heavy rain to rainstorm in all streets (towns) in Wenzhou urban area today. Please pay attention to prevent secondary disasters such as urban and rural waterlogging, small watershed flash floods, landslides and debris flows that may be caused by heavy rainfall.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay attention to the early warning signal dynamics in a timely manner, and do a good job in emergency work against rainstorm according to relevant regulations; 2. Relevant responsible units shall take necessary drainage measures according to the situation; 3. Suspend outdoor operations and activities as appropriate, and outdoor personnel should avoid activities in dangerous areas such as streams, rivers, culverts, and low-lying areas prone to flooding; Vehicles should try to avoid high-risk areas such as flooded roads and sunken overpasses, and avoid placing materials and vehicles in low-lying and flood prone areas.

De Lundi 10:20 (il y a 23 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 10:20 (dans 36 minutes)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:



1.政府及相关部门及时关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御暴雨应急工作; 2.相关责任单位视情况采取必要的排涝措施; 3.视情况暂停户外作业和活动,户外人员避免在溪流、河道、涵洞、低洼易涝区等危险区域活动;行驶车辆尽量绕开积水路段及下沉式立交桥等风险区域,避免将物资、车辆置于低洼易涝区域。

Dernière mise à jour:
Taishun Meteorological Station issued a blue rainstorm warning [Level IV/general]
De Lundi 21:15 (il y a 12 heures)
Jusqu'à Demain 21:15 (dans 1 jour)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

At 21:15 on September 23, 2024, the meteorological observatory of Taishun County continued to issue the blue warning signal of rainstorm: due to the impact of cold air and monsoon inverted trough, it is expected that there will still be moderate to heavy rain in all villages and towns in the county from tonight to tomorrow, and local rainstorm. Please pay attention to prevent secondary disasters such as urban and rural waterlogging, small watershed flash floods, landslides and debris flows that may be caused by heavy rainfall.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay attention to the dynamics of early warning signals and make emergency preparations for rainstorm prevention; 2. Relevant responsible units shall inspect the drainage system and prepare for drainage in low-lying and flood prone areas; 3. Timely adjust the arrangement of outdoor collective activities, and outdoor personnel should avoid rain in low-lying and flood prone areas such as bridge bottoms and culverts.

De Lundi 21:15 (il y a 12 heures)
Jusqu'à Demain 21:15 (dans 1 jour)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:



1.政府及相关部门关注预警信号动态,做好防御暴雨应急准备工作; 2.相关责任单位检查排水系统,做好低洼易涝区排涝准备; 3.及时调整户外集体活动安排,户外人员避免在桥底、涵洞等低洼易涝区域避雨。

Dernière mise à jour:

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