Xiajin County Meteorological Observatory issues an orange high-temperature warning [Level II/Severe]
De Mardi 16:19 (il y a 11 heures)
Jusqu'à nouvel ordre
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

At 16:19 on June 18, 2024, the Xiajin County Meteorological Observatory continued to issue an orange high-temperature warning signal: Due to the influence of the warm ridge on the mainland, the highest temperature at three meteorological observation stations in our county today exceeded 37 ℃. It is expected that the daily highest temperature in all townships and streets of our county will reach 37-39 ℃ from June 19 to 21. This high-temperature weather has a long duration, wide range, and high temperature, with a high level of meteorological risk. Please take measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down.

De Mardi 16:19 (il y a 11 heures)
Jusqu'à nouvel ordre
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:


Dernière mise à jour:
Gucheng County Meteorological Observatory updates high-temperature orange warning [Level II/Severe]
De Mardi 17:04 (il y a 10 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 17:04 (dans 13 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

At 17:02 on June 18, 2024, the Meteorological Observatory of Gucheng County continued to issue an orange high-temperature warning signal: it is expected that the highest temperature in all towns and villages of Gucheng County will reach around 37 ℃ tomorrow. Relevant units and personnel are requested to prepare for prevention.


1. Relevant departments and units shall implement heatstroke prevention and cooling measures in accordance with their responsibilities; 2. Try to avoid outdoor activities during high temperature periods, and personnel working under high temperature conditions should shorten their continuous working hours; 3. Provide guidance on heatstroke prevention and cooling for the elderly, weak, sick, and young population, and take necessary protective measures; 4. Relevant departments and units should pay attention to preventing fires caused by excessive power loads; 5. Do not put flammable materials inside the vehicle. Before driving, check the condition of the vehicle to prevent spontaneous combustion.

De Mardi 17:04 (il y a 10 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 17:04 (dans 13 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:



1.有关部门和单位按照职责落实防暑降温保障措施; 2.尽量避免在高温时段进行户外活动,高温条件下作业的人员应当缩短连续工作时间; 3.对老、弱、病、幼人群提供防暑降温指导,并采取必要的防护措施; 4.有关部门和单位应当注意防范因电力负载过大而引发的火灾; 5.车内勿放易燃物品,开车前应检查车况,严防车辆自燃。

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