Dayi County Meteorological Observatory issues a blue warning signal for strong winds [Level IV/General]
De Samedi 18:25 (il y a 10 heures)
Jusqu'à nouvel ordre
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

At 18:25 on May 25, 2024, the Dayi County Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for strong winds: Currently, there have been strong winds exceeding 10m/s in Wangsi and Shaqu in our county. It is expected that all towns (streets) in our county may be affected by strong winds in the next 12 hours, with an average wind force of 6 or above or gusts of 7 or above. Please take precautions against the adverse effects of strong wind weather.


1. The government and relevant departments should prepare for the defense against strong winds; 2. Reduce outdoor activities and high-altitude outdoor hazardous operations; 3. Close doors and windows, reinforce fences, sheds, billboards and other structures that are easily moved by the wind, cut off outdoor hazardous power sources as appropriate, properly place outdoor items that are easily affected by strong winds, and cover building materials; 4. Pay attention to road and driving safety, and do not stay near billboards, temporary structures, etc. in the wind.

De Samedi 18:25 (il y a 10 heures)
Jusqu'à nouvel ordre
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:



1.政府及有关部门做好防御大风准备工作; 2.减少露天活动和高空等户外危险作业; 3.关好门窗,加固围板、棚架、广告牌等易被风吹动的搭建物,视情况切断户外危险电源,妥善安置易受大风影响的室外物品,遮盖建筑物资; 4.注意行路、行车安全,刮风时不要在广告牌、临时搭建物等附近停留。

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