Significant drop in temperatures accompanied by wet conditions from Friday to Sunday.
De Vendredi 00:05 (il y a 1 jour)
Jusqu'à Demain 14:00 (dans 20 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

As emaSwati are bracing the onset of the summer season, the country is set for an unusual cold spell for September 2024, with the passage of a cold front and a deep upper trough affecting the region. From Friday, 20th September, to Sunday, 22nd September, temperatures are expected to plummet, leading to rain, thunderstorms, and even the possibility of light snowfall in higher regions, especially along the Highveld near the border with Mpumalanga. The weather will likely bring: ➢ Thursday (19th September 2024): Thunderstorms and rain from the late afternoon into the evening. ➢ Friday (20th September 2024): Rain showers in the afternoon with temperatures ranging between 06°C and 11°C in the Highveld and 11°C to 17°C in the Lowveld. ➢ Saturday (21st September 2024): Light snowfall early morning, particularly over high peaks in the Highveld. Overnight temperatures around 03°C in some areas and daily maximum at 09°C over the Highveld. Furthermore, strong windy conditions are expected to persist over the forecast period especially over the eastern parts, easing off by the morning of Sunday (22nd September 2024. Residents, particularly those in the Highveld, are advised prepare for these conditions and follow updates from Eswatini Meteorological Services.


Protect yourself with warm clothing and cover exposed skin. Use heating sources safely. Continue checking on local media as updates will be provided if conditions change significantly. If you require additional information please contact Eswatini Meteorological services at 24049468.

Dernière mise à jour:
Langue: en

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