Nevihte - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / jugozahod
De Aujourd'hui 01:00 (il y a 4 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 07:59 (dans 2 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

Možne so krajevne nevihte. Lokalno možni močnejši nalivi, piš vetra in udari strel. Hitro lahko narastejo hudourniški vodotoki.


Bodite pozorni na bližajoče se nevihtne oblake. Med nevihto se ne zadržujte na izpostavljenih mestih, počakajte na varnem mestu, nevihta običajno ne traja dolgo.

Moderate Thunderstorms Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / South-West
De Aujourd'hui 01:00 (il y a 4 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 07:59 (dans 2 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

Thunderstorms are possible, accompanied by local intense precipitation and gusty winds. Intense local showers with wind blasts and lightning strikes are possible. Torrential watercourses may rise quickly. Rainwater floods are possible.


Beware of approaching storm clouds. Do not linger in exposed locations, e.g. under trees or power lines. Wait in a safe place, as storms usually do not last long.

Dernière mise à jour:
Veter - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / jugozahod
De Aujourd'hui 01:00 (il y a 4 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 11:59 (dans 6 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

Maksimalna hitrost vetra : od 50 do 70 km/h. Veter maje drevesa in lahko že lomi veje. Ovira cestni promet določenih kategorij in lahko že nekoliko otežuje gibanje. Morje je zmerno vzvalovano (3).


Vrata in okna naj bodo zaprta. Na prostem se ne zadržujte na potencialno nevarnih mestih. Priporočamo dodatno previdnost v prometu. Priporočamo previdnost na morju.

Moderate Wind Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / South-West
De Aujourd'hui 01:00 (il y a 4 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 11:59 (dans 6 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

Maximum wind speed : from 50 to 70 km/h. Wind sways trees and may break branches. It impedes road traffic of certain categories and may hinder movement to some extent. The sea is fairly rough (3).


Before the event: Close all windows and doors. Stow or fasten anything that could be carried away by the wind. Check the situation of vessels in berths. During the event: Doors and windows should be kept closed. When moving in the open, pay attention to possible falling objects. Stop all work at heights. Do not repair damage during the event. We recommend additional caution in traffic, especially in crosswinds and in exposed areas (e.g. bridges, cuttings). Caution is recommended in water sports. Less skilled sailors should not sail out. Swimmers should stay close to the shore.

Dernière mise à jour:
Dež - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / jugozahod
De Lundi 21:00 (il y a 8 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 11:59 (dans 6 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

Možni so nalivi. Količina padavin : od 20 do 40 mm/6h. Hudourniški vodotoki lahko hitro narastejo in se razlijejo. Možne so poplave meteorne vode.


Ljudje, ki živijo na ogroženih območjih, naj spremljajo trend vodostaja in hidrološka obvestila.

Moderate Rain Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / South-West
De Lundi 21:00 (il y a 8 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 11:59 (dans 6 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

Rainfall : from 20 to 40 mm/6h. Torrential watercourses may rise and overflow quickly. Rainwater floods are possible.


The population in the affected areas should follow the trend of water level and hydrological updates.

Dernière mise à jour:
Nevihte - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / severozahod
De Aujourd'hui 01:00 (il y a 4 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 21:59 (dans 16 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

Možne so krajevne nevihte. Lokalno možni močnejši nalivi, piš vetra in udari strel. Hitro lahko narastejo hudourniški vodotoki.


Bodite pozorni na bližajoče se nevihtne oblake. Med nevihto se ne zadržujte na izpostavljenih mestih, počakajte na varnem mestu, nevihta običajno ne traja dolgo.

Moderate Thunderstorms Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / North-West
De Aujourd'hui 01:00 (il y a 4 heures)
Jusqu'à Aujourd'hui 21:59 (dans 16 heures)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

Thunderstorms are possible, accompanied by local intense precipitation and gusty winds. Intense local showers with wind blasts and lightning strikes are possible. Torrential watercourses may rise quickly. Rainwater floods are possible.


Beware of approaching storm clouds. Do not linger in exposed locations, e.g. under trees or power lines. Wait in a safe place, as storms usually do not last long.

Dernière mise à jour:
Nevihte - zmerna ogroženost (Stopnja 2/4) - Slovenija / jugozahod
De Demain 01:00 (dans 19 heures)
Jusqu'à Demain 16:59 (dans 1 jour)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

Možne so krajevne nevihte. Lokalno možni močnejši nalivi, piš vetra in udari strel. Hitro lahko narastejo hudourniški vodotoki.


Bodite pozorni na bližajoče se nevihtne oblake. Med nevihto se ne zadržujte na izpostavljenih mestih, počakajte na varnem mestu, nevihta običajno ne traja dolgo.

Moderate Thunderstorms Warning (Degree 2/4) - Slovenia / South-West
De Demain 01:00 (dans 19 heures)
Jusqu'à Demain 16:59 (dans 1 jour)
Explications officielles de l'avertissement:

Thunderstorms are possible, accompanied by local intense precipitation and gusty winds. Intense local showers with wind blasts and lightning strikes are possible. Torrential watercourses may rise quickly. Rainwater floods are possible.


Beware of approaching storm clouds. Do not linger in exposed locations, e.g. under trees or power lines. Wait in a safe place, as storms usually do not last long.

Dernière mise à jour:

Les alertes météo sévère sont fournies à meteoblue par plus de 80 agences officielles dans le monde entier. meteoblue décline toute responsabilités concernant le contenu ou la nature des avertissements. Les problèmes peuvent être signalés par le biais de notre formulaire de feedback et seront transmis aux instances concernées.

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