Frost Advisory issued September 21 at 1:13PM PDT until September 22 at 9:00AM PDT by NWS Medford OR
Od Danas 02:00 (prije 3 sata)
Do Danas 09:00 (za 3 sata)
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:
  • WHAT: Temperatures of 33 to 36 will result in frost formation.

  • WHERE: Valleys and populated areas within Lake, Klamath, and Modoc counties, including Chemult, Fort Rock, Christmas Valley, Sprague River, Bly, Silver Lake, Lakeview, and Alturas.

  • WHEN: From 2 AM to 9 AM PDT Sunday.

  • IMPACTS: Frost could harm sensitive outdoor vegetation. Sensitive outdoor plants may be killed if left uncovered.

* WHAT...Temperatures of 33 to 36 will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Valleys and populated areas within Lake, Klamath, and Modoc counties, including Chemult, Fort Rock, Christmas Valley, Sprague River, Bly, Silver Lake, Lakeview, and Alturas. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 9 AM PDT Sunday. * IMPACTS...Frost could harm sensitive outdoor vegetation. Sensitive outdoor plants may be killed if left uncovered.


Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.

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meteoMail - Warnings za Adell Butte

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