Yongjia County Meteorological Station issued an orange rainstorm warning [Level II/severe]
Od Danas 14:27 (prije 1 sat)
Do Danas 17:27 (za 1 sat)
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:

At 14:27 on June 24, 2024, Yongjia County Meteorological Observatory upgraded the yellow rainstorm warning signal to the orange rainstorm warning signal: Affected by the strong convection cloud cluster, 55.3mm precipitation has occurred in Yantouli ao, and it is estimated that there will still be rainstorm in Yantou, Fenglin, Hesheng, Yunling, Xunzhai, Bilian, Daroyan, Ming ao, Jinxi, Qiaotou, Qiaoxia, Nancheng, Beicheng, Dongcheng, Huangtian, Oubei, Sanjiang, Wuniu and other townships (towns and streets) in our county from this afternoon to evening, with local heavy rainstorm. Please pay attention to preventing secondary disasters such as urban and rural waterlogging, small watershed flash floods, landslides, and mudslides that may be caused by short-term heavy rainfall.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay close attention to the early warning signal dynamics, and do a good job in emergency work against rainstorm according to relevant regulations; 2. Relevant responsible units shall take necessary measures to prevent flooding and take emergency measures such as drainage and diversion according to the situation of water accumulation; 3. Depending on the situation, stop outdoor collective activities and outdoor operations. Units in hazardous areas should take appropriate measures to ensure personnel safety; 4. Reduce unnecessary personal outings; Personnel in high-risk areas such as flash floods and geological hazard risk prevention areas should pay attention to preventing disasters such as flash floods, landslides, and mudslides; Outdoor personnel should stay away from low-lying areas prone to waterlogging, dangerous buildings, road slopes, makeshift sheds, retaining walls, rivers, reservoirs, mountain ponds, and other potentially dangerous areas. Vehicles should try to avoid waterlogged roads and sunken overpasses as much as possible.

Od Danas 14:27 (prije 1 sat)
Do Danas 17:27 (za 1 sat)
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:



1.政府及相关部门密切关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御暴雨应急工作; 2.相关责任单位采取必要的防范水淹措施,根据积水情况采取排涝、引导分流等应急措施; 3.视情况停止户外集体活动和户外作业,处于危险区域的单位应采取适当措施,保障人员安全; 4.减少非必要个人外出;山洪易发区、地质灾害风险防范区等危险区域的人员,注意防范山洪、滑坡、泥石流等灾害;户外人员远离低洼易涝区、危房、道路边坡、简易工棚、挡土墙、河道、水库、山塘等可能发生危险的区域,行驶车辆应尽量绕开积水路段及下沉式立交桥等风险区域。

Posljednje ažuriranje:
Wenzhou Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning for thunderstorms and strong winds [Level III/severe]
Od Danas 12:01 (prije 3 sata)
Do Sutra 12:01 (za 20 sati)
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:

At 12:01 on June 24, 2024, the Wenzhou Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds in the urban area of Wenzhou. Due to the influence of convective cloud clusters, it is expected that this afternoon, there may be 8-10 level thunderstorms and strong winds in the streets (towns) of Zeya, Guoxi, Quxi, and Panqiao in Ouhai District, and Shanfu, Tengqiao, Yangyi, Wuma, Fengmen, and Binjiang in the central and western parts of Lucheng District. Please pay attention to preventing the adverse effects of thunderstorms and strong winds on construction projects, transportation, etc. Outdoor personnel should stay away from large trees, power poles, outdoor billboards, temporary structures, etc., and evacuate to indoor or safe places as soon as possible.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay timely attention to the dynamics of warning signals and carry out emergency defense against thunderstorms and strong winds in accordance with relevant regulations; 2. Safety measures should be taken in outdoor places, construction sites, airports, ports and other transportation facilities. Water operations in relevant water areas and passing ships should take shelter in safe areas; 3. Personnel in hazardous areas should be evacuated in a timely manner, and outdoor collective activities, high-altitude operations, and related water operations should be stopped; 4. Personnel should try to minimize going out and properly place window sills, balconies, and outdoor storage items; When going out, one should avoid going to areas along the water or river, and stay away from large trees, power poles, outdoor billboards, sheds, temporary structures, etc.

Od Danas 12:01 (prije 3 sata)
Do Sutra 12:01 (za 20 sati)
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:



1.政府及相关部门及时关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御雷暴大风应急工作; 2.户外场所、建筑工地及机场、港口等交通设施等采取安全防范措施,相关水域水上作业和过往船舶应到安全区域避风; 3.危险地带人员及时撤离,停止户外集体活动、高空作业、相关水域水上作业; 4.人员尽量减少外出,妥善安置窗台、阳台及室外搁置物;必须外出时应避免前往沿水、沿江区域,远离大树、电线杆、户外广告牌、棚架、临时搭建物等。

Posljednje ažuriranje:
Wenzhou Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow lightning warning [Level III/Severe]
Od Danas 11:31 (prije 4 sata)
Do Sutra 11:31 (za 19 sati)
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:

On June 24, 2024, at 11:31 am, the Wenzhou Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for lightning in the urban area of Wenzhou. Currently, convective cloud clusters are forming and developing in the western part of the city. It is expected that strong lightning will occur in the central and western streets (towns) of Zeya, Guoxi, Quxi, and Panqiao in Ouhai District, as well as Shanfu, Tengqiao, and Yangyi in Lucheng District this afternoon. Please take precautions against the adverse effects of lightning and avoid outdoor activities as much as possible.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay timely attention to the dynamics of warning signals and carry out emergency defense against lightning in accordance with relevant regulations; 2. Personnel should closely monitor the weather and try to minimize going out.

Od Danas 11:31 (prije 4 sata)
Do Sutra 11:31 (za 19 sati)
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:



1.政府及相关部门及时关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御雷电应急工作; 2.人员密切关注天气,尽量减少外出。

Posljednje ažuriranje:
Yongjia County Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning for thunderstorms and strong winds [Level III/severe]
Od Danas 12:02 (prije 3 sata)
Do Sutra 12:02 (za 20 sati)
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:

On June 24, 2024, the Yongjia County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunderstorms and strong winds at 12:02: Due to the influence of strong convective cloud clusters, it is expected that from noon to evening today, Oubei Street, Sanjiang Street, Huangtian Street, Qiaoxia Town, Qiaotou Town, Beicheng Street, Nancheng Street, Dongcheng Street, Shatou Town, Wuniu Street, Jinxi Town, Xunzhai Town, Bilian Town, Jiekeng Township, Mingao Township, Yantan Town and other townships (towns, streets) in our county will experience thunderstorms of 8-9 levels. Please pay attention to preventing the adverse effects of thunderstorms and strong winds on construction projects, transportation, and other aspects. Outdoor personnel should stay away from large trees, power poles, outdoor billboards, temporary structures, etc., and evacuate to indoor or safe places as soon as possible.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay timely attention to the dynamics of warning signals and carry out emergency defense against thunderstorms and strong winds in accordance with relevant regulations; 2. Safety measures should be taken in outdoor places, construction sites, highways, ports and other transportation facilities. Water operations in relevant water areas and passing ships should take shelter in safe areas; 3. Personnel in hazardous areas should be evacuated in a timely manner, and outdoor collective activities, high-altitude operations, and related water operations should be stopped; 4. Personnel should try to minimize going out and properly place window sills, balconies, and outdoor storage items; When going out, one should avoid going to areas along the water or river, and stay away from large trees, power poles, outdoor billboards, sheds, temporary structures, etc.

Od Danas 12:02 (prije 3 sata)
Do Sutra 12:02 (za 20 sati)
Službena objašnjenja upozorenja:



1.政府及相关部门及时关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御雷暴大风应急工作; 2.户外场所、建筑工地及高速公路、港口等交通设施等采取安全防范措施,相关水域水上作业和过往船舶应到安全区域避风; 3.危险地带人员及时撤离,停止户外集体活动、高空作业、相关水域水上作业; 4.人员尽量减少外出,妥善安置窗台、阳台及室外搁置物;必须外出时应避免前往沿水、沿江区域,远离大树、电线杆、户外广告牌、棚架、临时搭建物等。

Posljednje ažuriranje:

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