Rainstorm yellow warning [Level III/heavy] issued by Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory
Van Maandag 17:14 (1 dag geleden)
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Officiële waarschuwingsverklaringen:

[rainstorm Yellow Rainstorm Warning Signal] It is estimated that 30-50 mm precipitation will occur in the whole city within 3-6 hours. At 17:15 on September 23, 2024, the rainstorm yellow warning signal will be issued by the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory in the whole city, and the whole city will enter the rainstorm alert state. There is a risk of mountain torrents. Please pay attention to the prevention of local waterlogging, mountain torrents and other disasters that may be caused by rainstorm.

Van Maandag 17:14 (1 dag geleden)
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Officiële waarschuwingsverklaringen:


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The meteorological observatory of Huiyang District issued a yellow rainstorm warning [Level III/heavy]
Van Maandag 17:34 (1 dag geleden)
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Officiële waarschuwingsverklaringen:

Affected by the precipitation cloud cluster moving eastward and northward, it is expected that 30-50 mm precipitation will occur in our region in the next 3-6 hours, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunder and lightning and short-term gales. The meteorological station of Huiyang District will issue a yellow rainstorm warning signal at 17:34 on September 23, 2024. Please pay attention to defense.

Van Maandag 17:34 (1 dag geleden)
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Officiële waarschuwingsverklaringen:


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The meteorological observatory of Huiyang District issued a yellow rainstorm warning [Level III/heavy]
Van Dinsdag 02:02 (1 dag geleden)
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Officiële waarschuwingsverklaringen:

Affected by the continuous development of the strong precipitation cloud system on the sea, it is expected that in the next three hours, our region will have frequent showers, with a cumulative rainfall of 20~40mm, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunder and lightning and short-time gales. The meteorological station of Huiyang District will issue a yellow rainstorm warning signal at 02:02 on September 24, 2024. Please pay attention to defense.

Van Dinsdag 02:02 (1 dag geleden)
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Officiële waarschuwingsverklaringen:


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Rainstorm yellow warning [Level III/heavy] issued by Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory
Van Dinsdag 04:35 (1 dag geleden)
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Officiële waarschuwingsverklaringen:

[rainstorm Yellow Rainstorm Warning Signal] In the past three hours, moderate to heavy rain has occurred in our city, and it is expected that 20-40mm precipitation will occur in the next three hours. The rainstorm yellow warning signal will be issued by the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory at 04:35 on September 24, 2024, and the city will enter the rainstorm alert state. There is a risk of mountain torrents. Please pay attention to the prevention of local waterlogging, mountain torrents and other disasters that may be caused by rainstorm.

Van Dinsdag 04:35 (1 dag geleden)
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