Extreme Weather Contest Round 2 Winners

The Extreme Weather Contest Round 2 in March 2021 focussed on highest daily snowfall and snow cover, as well as the highest atmospheric pressure.

In March 2021, we ran the 2nd round of meteoblue Extreme Weather Contest - a competition in which we invite our users to identify the most extreme weather conditions within a given time period, and send us screenshots of our website showing what they have found. The prize is a yearly subscription of point+.

We had 3 winners in the second round:

User Tinh Le: with 1 meter Snowfall in Amur province, Russia. This is the highest ever calculated snowfall for this area.


User "flexmasterjoe": with >1055 hPa in Bar Yehuda, Israel. This is a one of the highest ever calculated pressure values for this area.


User Pablo Lastras (who won for the 2nd time already!) : with >1045 hPa in Bayan Huxu, Inner Mongolia. This is high in global context, but significantly less than the maximum of 1059hPa calculated for 2000.


Congratulations to all three!

The next rounds of the meteoblue Extreme Weather Contest will be run in shorter periods of a week, focusing on times of with specific weather conditions expected to reach extreme values.

Watch our meteoblue news to stay , or as usual, please let us know your observations.

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