Pingyang County Meteorological Observatory issues orange warning for strong winds [Level II/Severe]
Із субота 20:15 (14 годин тому)
По Завтра 20:15 (за 1 день)
Офіційні пояснення щодо попереджень:

At 20:15 on September 21, 2024, Pingyang County Meteorological Observatory upgraded the yellow warning signal for strong winds to an orange warning signal for strong winds: Due to the influence of cold air, there is currently a level 11 northerly wind in Nanji Town. It is expected that there will still be a level 9-11 northerly wind on the coastal sea surface of our county (Nanji Town and Haixi Town) tonight and tomorrow, and a level 7-9 northerly wind on the coastal plain. Please pay attention to preventing the adverse effects of strong winds on construction projects, facility agriculture, transportation, high-altitude operations, etc.


1. The government and relevant departments closely monitor the dynamics of warning signals and carry out emergency measures to defend against strong winds in accordance with relevant regulations. 2. Construction sites, airports, rail transit, highways, parks, scenic spots and other management units shall take emergency measures in accordance with relevant regulations; Strengthen port facilities to prevent ships from anchoring, grounding, and colliding. 3. Personnel in dangerous areas should evacuate immediately, stop outdoor collective activities, high-altitude operations, and outdoor water activities. 4. Indoor personnel should not go out unless necessary, and window sills, balconies, and outdoor storage should be properly placed. Residents of dangerous old houses should be moved to safe places; Personnel still outdoors should stay away from large trees, power poles, outdoor billboards, sheds, temporary structures, etc.

Із субота 20:15 (14 годин тому)
По Завтра 20:15 (за 1 день)
Офіційні пояснення щодо попереджень:



1.政府及相关部门密切关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御大风应急工作。 2.建筑工地、机场、轨道交通、高速公路、公园、景区等经营管理单位根据相关规定采取应急措施;港口码头加固港口设施,防止船舶走锚、搁浅和碰撞。 3.危险区域人员立即撤离,停止户外集体活动、高空作业、户外涉水活动。 4.室内人员非必要不外出,妥善安置窗台、阳台及室外搁置物,危旧房居民转移至安全场所;仍在室外人员应远离大树、电线杆、户外广告牌、棚架、临时搭建物等。

Останнє оновлення:
Rui an Meteorological Station issued a yellow rainstorm warning [Level III/heavy]
Із субота 17:52 (17 годин тому)
По Сьогодні 17:52 (за 6 годин)
Офіційні пояснення щодо попереджень:

At 17:52 on September 21, 2024, Ruian Meteorological Station issued a yellow rainstorm warning signal: Affected by the precipitation cloud cluster, 40.2mm heavy rain has occurred in Zhennan, a high-rise building in our city, in the past three hours. It is expected that there will still be moderate to heavy rain in towns and villages such as high-rise buildings, Huling, Linchuan, etc. in our city this evening and at night, and the local rainstorm. Please pay attention to preventing secondary disasters such as flash floods, mudslides, and urban waterlogging caused by heavy rainfall.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay attention to the early warning signal dynamics in a timely manner, and do a good job in emergency work against rainstorm according to relevant regulations; 2. Relevant responsible units shall take necessary drainage measures according to the situation; 3. Suspend outdoor operations and activities as appropriate, and outdoor personnel should avoid activities in dangerous areas such as streams, rivers, culverts, and low-lying areas prone to flooding; Vehicles should try to avoid high-risk areas such as flooded roads and sunken overpasses, and avoid placing materials and vehicles in low-lying and flood prone areas.

Із субота 17:52 (17 годин тому)
По Сьогодні 17:52 (за 6 годин)
Офіційні пояснення щодо попереджень:



1.政府及相关部门及时关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御暴雨应急工作; 2.相关责任单位视情况采取必要的排涝措施; 3.视情况暂停户外作业和活动,户外人员避免在溪流、河道、涵洞、低洼易涝区等危险区域活动;行驶车辆尽量绕开积水路段及下沉式立交桥等风险区域,避免将物资、车辆置于低洼易涝区域。

Останнє оновлення:
Rui an Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning for lightning [Level III/Heavy]
Із субота 17:05 (18 годин тому)
По Сьогодні 17:05 (за 5 годин)
Офіційні пояснення щодо попереджень:

At 17:05 on September 21, 2024, the Rui an Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow lightning warning signal: Due to the influence of convective cloud clusters, it is expected that there will be lightning activity in towns such as Gaolou, Huling, Linchuan, Fangzhuang, Mayu, and Pingyangkeng in our city from this evening to night. Please take precautions against the adverse effects of lightning and try to avoid outdoor activities as much as possible.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay timely attention to the dynamics of warning signals and carry out emergency lightning defense work in accordance with relevant regulations; 2. Personnel should closely monitor the weather and try to minimize going out.

Із субота 17:05 (18 годин тому)
По Сьогодні 17:05 (за 5 годин)
Офіційні пояснення щодо попереджень:



1.政府及相关部门及时关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御雷电应急工作; 2.人员密切关注天气,尽量减少外出。

Останнє оновлення:
Pingyang County Meteorological Observatory issues yellow lightning warning [Level III/Heavy]
Із субота 17:45 (17 годин тому)
По Сьогодні 17:45 (за 6 годин)
Офіційні пояснення щодо попереджень:

At 17:45 on September 21, 2024, Pingyang County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow lightning warning signal: Due to the influence of convective cloud clusters, it is expected that there will be strong lightning activity in some towns and villages in our county from tonight to night, with a focus on towns and villages such as Tengjiao, Fengwo, Shanmen, Nanyan, Huaixi, Shunxi, Qingjie, and Naocun. Please take precautions against the adverse effects of lightning and try to avoid outdoor activities as much as possible.


1. The government and relevant departments should pay timely attention to the dynamics of warning signals and carry out emergency lightning defense work in accordance with relevant regulations. 2. Personnel should closely monitor the weather and try to minimize going out.

Із субота 17:45 (17 годин тому)
По Сьогодні 17:45 (за 6 годин)
Офіційні пояснення щодо попереджень:



1.政府及相关部门及时关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御雷电应急工作。 2.人员密切关注天气,尽量减少外出。

Останнє оновлення:
Longgang Meteorological Observatory issues orange warning for strong winds [Level II/Severe]
Із субота 21:13 (14 годин тому)
По Завтра 21:13 (за 1 день)
Офіційні пояснення щодо попереджень:

At 21:13 on September 21, 2024, Longgang Meteorological Observatory upgraded the yellow warning signal for strong winds to an orange warning signal for strong winds: Due to the influence of cold air, it is expected that there will be 8-10 level northerly winds on the coastal sea surface and 7-9 level northerly winds on the coastal plain of our city from tonight to tomorrow. Please all relevant parties pay attention to prevention.


1. The government and relevant departments closely monitor the dynamics of warning signals and carry out emergency measures to defend against strong winds in accordance with relevant regulations; 2. Construction sites, airports, rail transit, highways, parks, scenic spots and other management units shall take emergency measures in accordance with relevant regulations; Ships in the port should promptly seek shelter in suitable waters, and port and navigation units such as docks and hydraulic engineering should strictly implement the requirements of stopping operations due to excessive wind force in accordance with relevant systems and regulations such as port operations, safety management requirements, and emergency plans. Passenger ferry companies should strictly implement the regulations on prohibiting and restricting passenger ships and stop sailing in a timely manner; The production and operation entities of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry should take reinforcement measures for agricultural facilities, temporary structures, etc; 3. Personnel in dangerous areas should evacuate immediately, stop outdoor collective activities, high-altitude operations, and outdoor water activities; 4. Indoor personnel should not go out unless necessary, and window sills, balconies, and outdoor storage should be properly placed. Residents of dangerous old houses should be moved to safe places; Personnel still outdoors should stay away from large trees, power poles, outdoor billboards, sheds, temporary structures, etc

Із субота 21:13 (14 годин тому)
По Завтра 21:13 (за 1 день)
Офіційні пояснення щодо попереджень:



1.政府及相关部门密切关注预警信号动态,根据相关规定做好防御大风应急工作; 2.建筑工地、机场、轨道交通、高速公路、公园、景区等经营管理单位根据相关规定采取应急措施;在港船舶及时到合适水域避风,码头、水工等港航单位按照港口作业、安全管理要求、应急预案等相关制度及规定严格落实超风力停止作业的要求,客渡运企业严格执行客船禁限航规定,及时停航;农林畜牧业生产经营主体做好农业设施、临时搭建物等加固措施; 3.危险区域人员立即撤离,停止户外集体活动、高空作业、户外涉水活动; 4.室内人员非必要不外出,妥善安置窗台、阳台及室外搁置物,危旧房居民转移至安全场所;仍在室外人员应远离大树、电线杆、户外广告牌、棚架、临时搭建物等

Останнє оновлення:

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