Seasonal climate forecast

The new seasonal climate forecast presents a 6 months forward look for the selected region, by showing the monthly deviations from the climatological mean.

The new Seasonal climate forecast provides a seasonal outlook at temperature and precipitation monthly mean anomalies for the selected region (100km x 100km) for the next 6 months. It indicates the variation from the monthly mean, without predicting any particular weather conditions on a particular day in the forecast period.

A month with negative anomaly of -1 degree means that some days have significantly colder hours than the average. However, it is very unlikely that every hour of this month is 1 degree colder.

To better understand how quickly the seasonal forecast is changing, new forecasts for the next 6 months are computed every day. We compute the seasonal forecast, by averaging all computed forecasts from different sources within a ten-day period, giving three periods of different forecasts calculated during the last 30 days (namely the average of all forecasts from days 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30).

More information on our new Seasonal forecast can be found below the graphic.


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